Advice no:2

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Make the women from prophet ( s.a.w) household your role model.

Dear muslimah! this is a question for you.
  Is there any household better than the prophet household?

Me and you know that the answer is No.

From general perspective we all know that a household that is best with no comparison to others May probably have the best of everything.

So when looking for a role model why not go to that household, why not strive and try to be like khadija, she is the best example of kindness and purity and was married to the Highest Man in the face of Allah our beloved prophet ( S.A.W) The best creation and most beloved to Allah, she is the Mother of Fatima (a.s) she was perfect, pious and Comes from a great household,she was known for her kindness since before Islam.

And Aisha! She was the epitome of beauty,Most beloved to the prophet, she was the most knowledgeable of all women. In fact imam az- zuhri rahimahullah said she was the most knowledgeable of all the wives of the prophet (s.a.w), she was eloquent,assertive, knowledgeable and confident.

Urwah bin zubair was her nephew so he is able to know a lots about her personal virtue, he narrates many hadith and seerah from Aisha May Allah be pleased with her, Urwah rahimahullalu anhu , he says,  I have heard speeches of Abubakar, Umar, Usman and Ali May Allah be please with them, but there is no person, none of them was as eloquent as Aisha radiyallahu anha. She was a better speaker, she was more eloquent than all of them,Subhanallah! even khullafa'ar-rashidin. He said she was the most knowledgeable in fiqh,she was the most knowledgeable in hadith, she was the most knowledgeable in medicine. She became knowledgeable,A scholar in all this different regard, She excelled everyon else. And mind you this Aisha radillahu anha is a woman(so extra ordinary) And she achieved all this. Please is there any role model better than this people.

And there comes the other wives of the prophet with different personalities why trying to be like those slay Queen's,celebrities when this kind of people once existed. As a Muslimah read there stories, strive to be like them and you will be proud of the kind of woman you will become.

Remember me in your du'as,add comment and suggestion if you have any.

Jazakumullahu khairan dearies.

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