Advice no:9

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Be Ambitious

Been ambitious does not mean you are trying to be like a Man, Neither does it mean you want to be better than your husband. It only shows that you are human, and human beings have a dream, so you too have one you want to fulfilled.

Back then if a girl says she want to be a pilot so many people will be like are you insane? how will you drive an aeroplane! And those people include our parent themselves.

The girl get discourage by there everyday comment about it,we were only taught that our future is to grow up and get married to a Man,be a mother and a complete housewife.

But Alhamdulilah Some of us started changing that believe of woman been only a housewife.

I was astonished when i found that the best Air force student 2017 in Nigeria is a female, she doesn't just drive a normal aeroplane but that mend for war,she is a soldier and best overall.

So if she can achieve that tag and call herself a woman, why not you? why do we think our place is just at home preparing food while other women are out there protecting there nation and providing for there families.

You need to wake up girls and mind you, a woman can be Ambitious and modest at the same time.

Aisha (A) was an ambitious Woman and she was modest through out her life, she stays longer even after prophets (S.A.W) death teaching sahabah and organizing lectures for women and she is an example of modesty.

Some people  who think they are religious argue that a woman has no right to go out for job or explore the world, that her place is only at home taking care of children and if you ask them to bring a Hadith about it believe me they have nothing to say and even if they did they can only bring a weak Hadith.

There's nothing wrong in been a housewife as long as it's that woman's choice,she is not force by her husband or parent.

People never look down upon men who are ambitious why is it so different for women. And Islam neither discourage that! its even good Islamically to have women who are independent and stands on there feet.

So It's only racism and sexist of our society nor religious. Lets say no to that, Follow your dreams and achieve something in life.

Jazakumullahu khairan for reading

Please remember me in your dua.

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