Chapter six: Maugrim and Adelaide

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No One's POV

"Oh no!" Lucy Pevensie shouts, seeing the wolves.

"Run!" Peter shouts.

The Pevensie's and the beavers try to hurry and run across the breaking river when the wolves got in front of them.

Mr. Beaver tried to fight one off but the wolf tackled him, using his teeth.

"No!" Mrs. Beaver shouts for her husband.

Peter then draws his sword.

~meanwhile with Princess Adelaide~

Princess Adelaide was almost to her destination. She had stopped at a shelter she built to change so she can move around more

 She had stopped at a shelter she built to change so she can move around more

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She was nearly at the camp when she feels her rings

She was nearly at the camp when she feels her rings

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vibrate once. She looks down to see them glowing like a flash. She then hears Lucy's frightened voice scream.


Adelaide's eyes widen with worry then she feels wind blow at her and turns around. She hears a roar and then wind gushes at her. Her hair blows back and she suddenly feels the familiar emotions. She has all of her magic back.

She smiles then looks forward and sees a vision of the Pevensie's in the river. She runs towards it and then stops, seeing Peter and Susan with the beavers out of the water. But no Lucy.

Adelaide goes to the water and uses her vision to look into the water then sees Lucy swimming to the surface. Adelaide dives in and swims to Lucy and grabs her.

Lucy sees her and wraps her arms tightly around Adelaide's neck. Adelaide swims to the surface then uses her water bending to get them to the edge before getting out of the river.

They get up and Adelaide moves Lucy's hair.

"You okay?" Adelaide asks the child.

"Yes. Thank you." She says.

Adelaide smiles then leads her to her siblings.

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asks, fixing her green sweater.

Peter and Susan Pevensie twist around, seeing their little sister and the princess together. They smile as Lucy goes to Peter, whom puts the coat on her.

"Thank you." He and Susan tell the princess.

"You're welcome." Adelaide says.

"I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore." Mrs. Beaver says.

They all turn to see the forest with pink leaves. They walk through. Adelaide smiling, feeling connected to the earth once again.

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