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I leave the house. I try not to let my tears fall, but only a few slipped down my face. I sit down on a park bench and dial one of my friends.



"Minhee what's wrong?"

"Can you come pick me up I'm at the park."

"Why are you at the park? Where's Jimin?"
I start crying but I try to hold in my sobs.

"Please just come pick me up!"

"I'll be right there."
I end the phone call and break down into tears.

I hear a familiar voice and turn around. His eyes widen and quickly runs towards me to comfort me.
"Minhee what happened?

"I-i b-broke up with j-Jimin."
He instantly wraps his arms around me. He stands me up and leads me to the car and we drive to his house.
Once we got there I told him everything from start to finish. I broke down into tears and he held me in his arms.

"Forget about him! He just lost the best girl in the world! He just couldn't see the diamond in the rough. Now stop crying you look ugly."
I giggle.
"There's that smile, now lets go to the store, buy a whole bunch of junk food, come back and have an anime marathon."
I nod.

Jimin POV
She left me.
I stare into space unable to process what just happened. I didn't even notice tears were falling from my face.

"Babe~ it's ok. You have me now. Let's continue what we were doing before she came here."
She smiles seductively while her hand slowly goes up my shirt. I grab her hand and harshly push it away.

"Get the hell out of my house and never come back."

"But babe-"

"I said get out! And don't call me that!"
She quickly runs out of the house. I run my hand through my hair.
I don't need her! It's her fault! All her fault!

I grind me teeth and start punching the wall out of frustration. I look at the coffee table and swipe everything off it and scream.
I drop to my knees. My hands start shaking and start to bleed from punching the wall. I break down into tears. I curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep.
I wake up the next day hearing loud knocks at the door. I try to ignore it but it gets worse. I angrily open the door.

"It's about time the happy couple wakes up."
Says Taehyung smiling, but it fades when he looks at me.

"What happened?"


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