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Jeonghan POV
Minhee hasn't been doing well. All she's been doing is staying in her room all day crying. I've never seen her this heartbroken.
I can't believe that Jimin. She loved him with all her heart and he goes behind her back because she wouldn't give him what he wanted.
I suddenly hear the door unlock.

"Hey roommate I'm back!"

"Hey Joshua, how was the trip?"

"Pretty good, too bad Minhee was there for half of the trip. I'm glad she got to spend her anniversary with Jimin though."
I frown.
"Why are you frowning?"

I start telling him everything that happened. He frowns and heads toward the guest room where she is staying.

Joshua POV
I softly knock on the door.

"Minhee, it's me Joshua. Can I come in?"

"Hold on."
I hear her shuffle around the room. She opens the door and smiles at me.
"Welcome back."
I couldn't help hug her.
I could tell she's been crying her eyes out because of her swollen eyes.

"You don't have to pretend. Jeonghan already told me."
She starts sobbing as I stroke her hair to try to calm her down.
"Minhee, someone's here to see you." She looks up.
"It's jisoos your savior here to help you forget about him. Now come on."
I drag her out of her room.
"Jeonghan come, we're going somewhere."
He nods and we all head to the car. I drive while Jeonghan keeps her company in the back seat.

Minhee POV
"Where are we going?"
I ask.

"Out to eat. It's your favorite place!"

"But I look horrible. What if I see Jimin there and he thinks I can't be without him?"

"That's why I brought a brush and some wipes for your face."
Jeonghan starts brushing my hair and wipes my face to make me look adequate. He then puts my hair in a ponytail. I smile.


"Ha I made her smile first. You owe 20 dollars."
I giggle as I hear Joshua sigh and hand Jeonghan a 20 dollar bill.
We finally arrive at the restaurant and start eating. My phone vibrates and I see what it is.
It's a text from Hoseok.

Are you ok? I just saw Jimin kissing another girl.

I sigh trying not to let tears fall.

I'm fine and I don't care what he does anymore. I know he's you're friend but I can't believe he would do this to me. So please don't tell me anything about Jimin.

Ok. I'm sorry if I upset you.

You didn't know so it's alright.
I place my phone aside and continue eating.

Jimin POV
I wake up in an unfamiliar place. My head starts pounding. I feel a dent in the bed and see a feminine figure. I notice she wasn't wearing anything. I look at myself and also see that I'm wearing nothing.
Did we do it? Can't believe Minhee would do it with me. I'm glad her leaving me was just a bad dream.
I snuggle closer to the woman who I think is Minhee.

"Babe stop it tickles."
I hear an unfamiliar voice and immediately let go.

"Who the hell are you? Where's Minhee?"

"Who? And how can you not remember me from last night?"
My head hurts trying to remember what happened. I finally remember and instantly feel guilty that I punched my friends.
I scramble out of bed and quickly put my clothes on and leave without a word.
I take out my phone and text them.

Are you guys alright?

Look who's texting. Are you finally back to your senses?

Yeah sorry about that to both of you.

You should be. Now that you're back to your senses, why don't you go apologize to Minhee for cheating on her.

Why would I do that? And it's not really cheating on her.

Are you serious hyung? Kissing another girl isn't cheating to you?

So if Minhee kissed another guy would you be mad?

Well duh.

You're unbelievable. I understand why she left.

Shut the hell up. What do you know?

That you're wrong.

Why the hell am I friends with you guys? None of you take my side. I know I'm right and it's her fault. It doesn't matter she missed out on having someone like me.

More like you missed out on a great woman. You don't meet many like her. And if you don't to be friends with us then don't be.

Fine then.

You have blocked these numbers

I throw my phone down and run my fingers through my hair.

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