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Minhee POV
I tried my best not to cry and act like I've gotten over him.

"I'm glad you realized you are wrong.m but you must suffer the consequences. You're being a bit selfish here. You're asking me to forgive and I did, but now you're asking to get back with you? I'm sorry Jimin but I've moved on and you should too. Just forget about me so you can be happy."
I turn around and walk away. I feel tears fall down my face. I try wiping them away, but they kept falling.
I was to occupied to even notice I bumped into Namjoon's chest. I look up and see him smile, but it slowly fades as he wipes a tear away.

"Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing important. Let's go to work."
I give him a fake smile. He holds my hand.

"You know you can tell me anything. I won't judge you. If you need someone to talk to just call me."

"I don't have your number."
He giggles and takes my phone. He hands it back to me and wraps his arm around me.

"Now you do. Now let's go!"
We head towards the company.
As soon as we got there, I went towards Joshua's cubicle. I cross my arms and wait for him to notice me.

"Oh hey Minnie, how was your walk this morning?"

"Great because thanks to you I bumped into him."
His eyes widen. He immediately puts his hands on my shoulders and starts checking if I'm injured.

"Did he do anything to you?! Aish if you prayed before you ate, I would've driven you and you wouldn't have bumped into him."
I slap his arms off my shoulders.

"It was this one time. I was really hungry. And don't you think making me walk because I forgot to pray kind of cruel?"

"Nope, but I'm sorry about the ji-"
I put my finger to his lip, making him shut up.

"Don't ever say his name understand?"
He nervously nods. I sigh and head back to my cubicle. I hear Namjoon giggle.

"You two seem very close."
I smile.

"Yeah, he's like a brother to me. Even though he gets on my nerves I still love him."

"Really? I thought he was your boyfriend."
I shake my head.

"That would be weird."

"So is it ok if I take you out for lunch then."
He stares at me waiting for my answer.

"I'm flattered but I'm not ready for a relationship yet."
He laughs.

"I'm not taking you out on a date, I just want to get to know you more."

"O-oh. Sure I guess."
I blush in embarrassment.

Jimin POV
I walk not knowing where I'm going.
I guess I should at least try to move on.
Suddenly a gust wind blew by, making a piece of paper fly onto my face. I took the paper off my face and saw things written on it and read it:
Think you got talent? Come and perform in front of company managers! Even the biggest companies will be there! But hurry there is limited space available. So hurry in and call at (xxx)-xxx-xxxx!

This is a great opportunity! Minhee always told me I had a great voice. . . Minhee.
I sigh, but I shake my head. I dials the number.

"Thanks for calling! How may I help you?"

"I would like to apply for a spot to perform."

"Ok let me check if there is any spots available please hold."
I wait for her to answer back.
"You're lucky. There's one spot left. If you want it can I please have your name so I can write you down."

"Park Jimin."

"Thank you! The performance is Friday at 7pm. Please be there promptly."

"I will thank you very much!"
I end the call and head back to my apartment.
Things are finally getting better. I hope things get better for Minhee too.

Minhee POV
Its finally lunch time! I'm starving.
I go to find Namjoon who was waiting for me by the door.

"Ready to go?"
I nod.
He takes me to a ramen shop.


"Yeah. Do you not like ramen cause we can go somewhere else."

"No no it's alright. It's just I don't get ramen often."

"Oh honey we need to get ramen in you asap."
I giggle as he drags me into the restaurant.

"Can we have two of your best ramen?"
He asks the waiter and he nods.

"Wow you don't even let me choose. What a gentleman. Hehe just kidding."

"You haven't had this kind of ramen before. After this you're going to thank me for ordering for you."
I playfully roll my eyes.

"We'll see about that."
The ramen finally comes. The aroma was intoxicating.
I take my first bite.
It was mind blowing. The warm, savory broth fit perfectly with the noodles, which weren't too soft or hard. The pork made it taste even better.

"Looks like you're enjoying it."
He leans into my ear and whispers.

"that's when you say 'thank you Namjoon oppa.'"
He tries mocking me with a squeaky voice.

"Pft it's alright. And oppa?"

"Yep, I'm 23 years old."

"Ha I don't need to call you oppa because I'm 24."
I lie.

"Pft liar."

"What? How'd you know I was lying?"
He looks like he's nervous.

"Umm you dropped your license."

"I did?"

"Yeah but I put it back in your purse for you.

I hear him sigh. He smiles at me. I just ignore it.
We talk for awhile. We didn't even notice we had to go back to work.
I found out a lot about him. He's a cute guy.

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