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"Jimin what happened? Where's Minhee?"
I snap back to reality hearing her name.

"Don't ever speak of her again."
I sternly say.

"Dude she's your girlfriend."

"Not any more."
He didn't expect that to happen.

"What happened between you two? I thought you guys love each other."

"Well evidently she didn't love me enough to give herself fully to me."

"She probably didn't want to do it until you guys got married."

"But if she loves me enough she would do it. "

"Jimin you have to respect her boundaries. And why did she leave? Wouldn't you have left if it was her fault?"

"It is her fault! And she left because she didn't love me enough!"

"What did you do? I know she loved you with all her heart. She would always come to me for advice about you."

"I was sexually frustrated so it not my fault."

"You did it with another girl! What the hell is wrong with you?! Just cause you're sexually frustrated doesn't mean you can do it behind your girlfriend's back!"

"Well I didn't do it though cause she interrupted us. All I did was kiss her technically."
He hits the back of my head.

"You just missed out on an amazing girl you don't get to meet often. Just cause she didn't give you want you wanted doesn't give you the right to do it behind her back."

"You're starting to sound just like her."

"Good, because now everything is going to start reminding you of her. You're going to miss her, but you won't be able to get her back."
I scoff. He stands up.

"You were given a diamond and you threw it away for dirt. You need to think about what you just did and how wrong you are."

"You don't tell me what to do. Now get out of my house!"

"You mean Minhee's house."

"It's not hers anymore. It's mine."

"Even after all the things you've done to her, she gave you a home. Tsk you're pathetic, you let you're pride get the best of you."
He walks out the door and slams the door on his way out.
I need to get my mind off things.
I make a group chat with Jungkook and Hoseok.

Hey you guys want to out to the club tonight?


I've been getting bored so let's go!

Alright pick me up at 9.

I turn off my phone and take a nap. I wake up to the sound of knocking. I open the door to let them in and change clothes.

"Did Minhee let you go out?"
Jungkook ask. I clenched my jaw.

"Don't mention her anymore."
I lock the door and head towards the car.
Once we enter the club, we see a lot of people dancing and smell a strong scent of alcohol. I immediately head over to the bar and started drinking. A lot.

"You should slow down."
Hoseok put his hand on my shoulder. I smack it away and continue drinking.

Hoseok POV
After I told him to stop drinking, he just kept drinking. I turn around and see Jungkook dancing his heart out.
Guess I'm the responsible one tonight.
I turn around and see that Jimin was gone. I ask the bartender where he went and he just shrugs. I look around and suddenly spot a silver haired man, but only his hair. As I got closer, I began to be filled with disgust.
There was a girl sitting on Jimin's lap while they were kissing. I angrily go over to them and literally push the girl off and drag Jimin back to the car along with Jungkook.

"What the hell hyung?! I was just having fun!"
He slurrs.

"You have a girlfriend. You know Minhee?"

"Pft what kind of girlfriend is she. She couldn't even satisfy me."

"What are you talking about?"
He laughs bitterly. I suddenly see water coming from his eyes.

"She left! She caught me with another girl! I bet you're gonna say I'm wrong right? Well if she loved me enough I wouldn't have to turn to another girl to please me."
He starts laughing like a total maniac. I step back in fear.

"Hyung get back to your senses!"
Jungkook grabs his shoulders and shakes him.
Jimin suddenly punches Jungkook causing him to fall on the ground.

"Jimin calm down. You're not yourself. You just hurt one of your closest friends."

"Friends? None of you guys are my friends! If you guys were my friends you guys would take my side! I know I'm right! Go ahead and leave like the Taehyung did!"
That's it.
I grab him by the collar.

"Jimin you need to get it straight through you're head! You cheated on Minhee and that's why she left! You are in the wrong not her!"
He pushes me off and wobbly walks back to the club.
I sigh and bring Jungkook to the car.
I need to tell Minhee about this.

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