Forbidden Love (AU)

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Your POV

You sat on your bed reading your favorite book when you heard a knock on the window. You mentally cursed whoever destroyed your reading time but when you took your eyes off of your book you saw your handsome boyfriend by the window. 

Your eyes widened and you quickly locked the door so that your parents won't barge in.

You opened your window and let him in.

"What are you doing here? You know you shouldn't be here." You whispered pulling him away from the window. 

"I wanted to see you." He said looking deeply in your eyes. Your heart melted and you let out a smile. 

"I missed you too." You said smiling. He placed his lips on yours and at that moment, you felt safe.

At that moment, it was just you two in your own little world. No one could ever hurt you. No one could ever push you both away from each other. 

There was no obstacle. 

Suddenly you heard someone banging on the door and you two broke away from your kiss. You looked through your room for him to hide and you pushed him under the bed and covered it with the extra bed sheet that was tucked in. 

You composed yourself and opened the door.

"Why did you take this long to open the door?" Your dad asked.

"I fell asleep, dad" You said acting sleepy. 

"How many times have I told you NOT to lock the door when you're sleeping?" Your dad asked angrily.

"Sorry. I just forgot, I guess." You said. He nodded. 

"Don't repeat it ever- why didn't you tuck your bedsheet in?" Your dad asked making you  a bit nervous.

"Was too lazy." You replied shrugging. He shook his head and made his way to your bed.

"I'll tuck it in, dad. It's alright." You said stopping him.

"Y/N, what are you hiding?" Your dad asked

"Nothing. Why would I hide?" You said trying to act all cool. 

"Move away." He said lightly pushing you away. 

"I told you dad. Nothing is there." You said

"Who said I was going to check? So there's definitely something." He asked making you gulp. 

He looked under the bed and saw Joe. He looked at you furiously. 

"I told you NOT to meet him anymore. What part of that did you not understand, Y/N?" He asked furious at you.

"It's not her fault, sir" Joe said defending you. 

Bad timing, Joe. You thought. 

"IT'S NOT?! THEN HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE HUH? And you mister, I told you to stay away from her right?" He said pushing Joe to a wall.

"Dad! Get off of him!" You said trying to pull your dad away from Joe.

But your brother pulled you away from dad and you tried to get away from his strong grip. 

"I love her, sir." Joe said making your dad shake in anger. 

"I'll have to ask you to leave this house again. Or you won't like what comes next." He said trying to be calm.

"Not without her." 

Although a part of you melted at your boyfriend's words, the other part was screaming at Joe to just leave. 

Suddenly, your dad's fist came in contact with Joe's jaw and he fell to the ground wincing in pain.

"JOE!" You screamed finally getting out of your brother's grip. You ran to Joe and sat in front of him acting like a shield. 

"Joe are you okay?" You said cupping his face in your hands.

"Y/N, move out of the way!" Your dad said trying to get you off of Joe. 

"NO!" You said holding on to Joe even stronger. 

"What are you holding on to huh? HE WON'T BE ABLE TO KEEP YOU SAFE!" Your dad said making you lose it.

"DAD. I get it you were a street fighter and he is one now but he is my everything dad. He showered me with love that I thought I'll never be able to find. He makes me happy, dad! WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?!" You said angrily.

"That's my girl." You heard Joe mumble which made you slightly smile even though it wasn't the right time.


"YES, DAD! Because this time you're wrong. He'll keep me safe just like you did to mum. Don't you remember? You went through the same thing for her. Despite all the warnings and the fears grandpa had, you never let her or anyone of us down. And what makes you think Joe won't be able to do it?"  You said softly. Your dad's eyes that were filled with rage now softened a tiny bit. 

"I promise I'll never let anything happen to you." Joe said standing beside you although he got a cut lip. You smiled when his hands found yours and intertwined them. 

"Okay, Sugg. Just one chance. If you screw this up, you're not going to enjoy the circumstances." Your dad said making you squeal in excitement. You hugged your dad tightly with excitement. 

"Thank you." You said tears making way down your cheeks. Your dad kept silent but hugged you back.

"Now you can use the front door." You said to Joe which made him chuckle. 

"I love you so much, Y/N Y/L/N." He said hugging you tightly. 

"I love you too, Joseph Sugg." You said feeling safe in his arms. 

Your dad's POV

"Your daughter is following your footsteps, darling." I said to my beautiful wife. 

"You said that all the time." She said giggling which still made the feeling of butterflies still alive even after years of marriage.

"I think she found hers now. Our baby is all grown up." I said with my tears forming in my eyes.

"And I know Joe will take good care of her. Just like you did." She said kissing me.

"He better." 

Author's Note: Hope you liked this sweet chapter. 

All the love, V. xx

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