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There is this one year seven at my school who I hate with a burning passion.

Actually, I think everyone hates her with a burning passion.

She's one of those people who thinks she's amazing and wonderful and pretty.

NEWSFLASH: Donkeys have better facial features than her.

And yes, I know that looks doesn't matter, and it's only what you're like inside.

But trust me, if this girl looked like what she did on the inside, you'd have trouble telling her apart from a toad, or a giraffe.

She is so stuck up and just... URGHHH!

Today I accidentally hit her with my bag as I was turning around and she turned around and said to me,

"B*tch did you just hit me? If you messed up I hair, I am like so going to tell a teacher!"

So I said back,

"Please, you didn't need me to mess it up, it already looks like a monkeys butt,"


Anyway, so my friends I was walking with started pulling me away, and she, no joke, threw a metal drink bottle at my head, which I couldn't catch because my friends were pulling my by the wrists.

It hit me straight on the side of the face and my friends were just like, uh oh...

Because they no I've got a temper.

And she was just standing there looking all satisfied and triumphant.

I wanted to slap that look off her freaking ugly face so much.

But I didn't, only because I didn't want to get detention.

So I picked up her drink bottle and chucked it over the playground, making sure not to hit someone.

And I can throw pretty far.

Then I turned around and walked off with my friends.

And then she was on my bus home.

I was sitting with my twin, and she kept sending my dirty looks.

She was chewing gum, and I think she thought she looked all amazing and mature and cr*p.

She had an earphone in and started singing.

She couldn't sing at all.

I thought there was a dying walrus on the bus.

Let's just say she totally ruined the song Do You Want To Build A Snowman for me.

I'm sitting here at home plotting revenge right now.

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