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So, do any of you watch Dance moms?

Well this is a chapter if my opinions, and feel free to tell me what you think, but please don't get angry if you don't agree.

Anyway, here we go!

1. I think Mackenzie performed the Cry solo better than Maddie. I'm not exactly sure why, but I think she was better at it on stage.

2. I don't hate the new team. They are all amazing dancers, and should be recognised for it.

3. I really don't care about the whole Maddie/Chloe drama. They are both really good dancers, and yes, Maddie gets more attention, but it just shows how determined Chloe is for the fact she just doesn't leave.

4. Why does everyone make Kendall the mean girl/slut in their fan fics? When Chloe won nationals she was the first one standing to clap for her, before Chloe even got up.

5. I don't think Maddie will ever get into Joffrey. Joffrey is mainly a ballet school, isn't it, and in her audition, her padusha (wow I really can't spell) was one of the few actual ballet moves in there, and she wasn't in ballet position at all. And when she was asked to go up on releve (really sorry about the spelling - I can dance it but I can't spell it) she wobbled, didn't pull up, leant forward quite a but and didn't use her feet.

6. I think Kameryn's solo 'Fate' was much better than Chloe's, 'Follow You'.

7. Maddie seems quite cocky and full of herself. I think that's what will stop her from ever making it as a dancer.

8. If Mackenzie wasn't on dance moms, she would never of had an album published. And seriously, how much auto tuning did they use? You can hardly hear her voice under that.

9. Same with Brooke.

10. I don't think Abby Lee Miller should be a dance teacher. Dance teachers should be able to do the thinks they teach. She sits there telling at these girls for getting things wrong that she could never even attempt.

I actually have a whole lot more but that's enough for now.

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