Question time

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Okay for those of you reading I have devised a serious set of questions for you to consider.

Wow I actually sounded smart.

. . .

Okay here they are:

1. Peanut butter or jam?

2. Kitties or puppies?

3. Soccer or netball?

4. Fandoms you're a part of?

5. (Percy Jackson people)

A) Percabeth or Perico?

B) Jasper or Jiper? (Which do you call it)

C) Leyna or Thaleo?

6. Favourite song currently?


My answers:
1. Peanut Butter (my we don't have any in the house because one of my brothers is allergic. it sucks )
2. Both! They're so fluffy and adorable!
3. Soccer, definitely
4. PJO, HOH, HP, Charlie Bone (why has no one read it!), Kane Chronicles, a few more.
5. A) Percabeth 5EVER
B) Jiper
C) Leyna (Caleo is better though)
6. Framed, its from Dance Moms

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