All Shall Tag Me, and Dispair

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Hey kids, It's ya boi back at it again with another fidget spinner revi-

Wait, wrong page never mind.

Well while I'm here I might as well do this tag, Snorkle-borkle aka Sayonarik tagged me, so I might as well get this over with.

Here are the rules for all of you unlucky bastards that get tagged by me.

1. You must post the rules
2. You must tag 13 people
3. You must make up 13 questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4. Tag backs are allowed.
5. Make a creative title for your chapter
6. Do it in a book, not the comments.

Alrighty then, let's get right into it...

Question 1
When/How did you discover Wattpad?
I have mentioned this before but the reason why I joined is because Pim told me about Wattpad and I thought it sounded fun. I joined about five months ago, I'm still pretty new 😓.

Question 2
If you could kill anyone, fictional or otherwise, who would it be.
I could kill anyone I wanted too right now, I have perfectly good knives in my kitchen, but I won't because I'm a good person. NEXT.

Question 3
What's your favorite meme?
I believe in meme equality, I love all of them... but I really like the "But it was me, Dio!" One especially.

Question 4
What is your favorite Webcomic/Webtoon?
I really love "I Love Yoo" and "LUMINE" but there are a bunch of others that I like as well.

Question 5
What is the first fandom you can remember being in.
Embarrassingly enough, My Little Pony... I was eight OK, leave me alone.

Question 6
Do you have old characters/memories that make you cringe to remember them?
Yes. But we don't talk about Kat's old characters and memories so SHHHH.

Question 7
Who is your greatest inspiration?
If we are talking about art, probably all of you guys. Seeing how amazing the rest of you are at art just pushes me even harder to get better.

Question 8
Have you ever met an internet friend IRL?
No but I would really like too.

Question 9
If you could turn back time to save someone but it would cost your life, would you do it.
Probably, I would most likely bring Monty Oum back to life. I really miss him.

Question 10
Who is your favorite singer/volcaloid?
My favorite singer's are Melanie Martinez and Lilly Allen and my favorite Vocaloid is Luka.

Question 11
Do you know any other language besides English?
Sort of... I'm learning French in school.

Question 12
What is the feelsiest game you've ever played.
Pokémon Sun

Sorry I'm not a big gamer...

Question 13
If you could ask one question and get it answered, what would it be?
Why am I such a fucking piece of shit.

Alrighty then, here are all of the fuckers who are getting taggled.

1. itsyapirategirl
2. Monarch_Serendibite
3. MitserTut
4. Jean_is_a_horse
5. Sayonarik
6. Pincess_Mona_Cupcake
8. swingboi
9. Ohheydere_2112
10. Raviloi_Ravioli
11. Vivisaurs
12. TeaLev
13. nyx_chan

And here are your questions...

1. Do you watch anime? If so what's your favorite?
2. Do you watch shows on Cartoon Network or Disney XD Ex. Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs Forces of Evil
3. Have you ever been to a con?
4. Have you ever cosplayed?
5. What's your favorite color?
6. What's your favorite band/singer/vocaloid
7. Do you have a guilty pleasure Anime? If so, what is it? (If it's hentai go rethink your life choices)
8. What was your first fandom?
9. What's your favorite school subject?
10. Have you ever seen a Broadway Play?
11. Favorite pass time?
12. Morning person or Night Owl?
13. What's your favorite book?

Well that's it! Good luck to those who were tagged. Well that's all for now I guess, bye!

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