Hello fans here is another Chapter for you. Hope you enjoy the ACTION!!
Chapter 18
Chloe was sitting in her bedroom waiting for Rebecca to return with some help for the job. Then there was a knock at her door.
“Come in.” Chloe says.
Rebecca steps in and announces, “They are here.”
Chloe gets up and walks out her bedroom to see an apartment full. She grins and explains, “We will be attacking a wolf mansion. My plan is to strike hard but I don’t know how many wolves are going to be there and there also may be some Vampires and a witch.” Chloe pulls some files out and throws them on the table saying, “These are the alpha wolves here. The girl in the middle is Violet that’s the one I will be attacking but, I will watch out for her brothers. We will hit tomorrow midnight. Everyone understand?” Chloe asks.
Everyone in the room nods and Chloe says, “Well let’s get ready.”
“Attack!” Scott screams.
Everyone in the pack was partner up and Violet was Olivia partner. Violet swung towards Olivia and Olivia dodges her swing. Violet grins and kicks Olivia in the stomach making her fall on her back. Olivia growls getting up fast and charges towards Violet who was in a calm stance. Olivia threw her fist towards Violet with all her force and Violet brought up her left forearm and block the blow smirking. Then quickly before Olivia had time to react she grips Olivia shirt and toss her across the field.
Olivia gets up again angrier than before and runs towards Violet again only to be punch in the face and kick back to the ground. Violet shakes her head in disappointment and hollers, “Patience Olivia.”
Olivia sits on the ground covering her nose with her hand trying to stop the blood. She gets up and yells, “What the hell you want me to do!”
The entire pack stops there training and watches Olivia continue to scream at Violet, “I’m a wolf, when I fight in the war I’m going to be in wolf form. This shit is useless.”
Violet stand there calm and when Olivia finishes screaming she slaps her in the face and says harshly, “I believe you have forgotten who you are hollering at. I don’t give a damn about your opinion. Now get up!”
Olivia rubs her face and gets up like she is order to do.
Violet rolls her eyes and announces only for Olivia to hear, “I’m not Violet out here I’m the Alpha I think you’re getting that confuse. I have to treat you all as an equal. Just because you’re in my room every night doesn’t change anything.” Violet gets in her battle stance and orders, “Get ready and this time be patience. If you want me to teach you, you have to be willing to learn Olivia.”
Olivia nods her head and attacks.
The pack sat at the table together and ate dinner. Olivia sits at the other end of the table away from Violet and her brothers, Violet notice this but don’t speak of it. After dinner Olivia goes to her room and takes a long shower and when she walks out she was spook when she sees Violet sitting on the bed.
“How long you been in here?” Olivia asks.
“I don’t know. Is this your family?” Violet asks holding up a picture.
“Yes, my mom on the right and dad on the left. That was taken when I first became a wolf.” Olivia smiles at the memories. “So why are you here?”

Divide (GirlxGirl)
FantasyDivide isn't a normal town. It has Wolves, Witches, and Vampires and they are all divided into different parts of the town. Violet is a wolf and she has three brothers named Ethan, Lucas, and Scott and when she starts to protect a witch name Chloe e...