Sorry about the lonf wait i kind of got into trouble with my mom because i didnt wash dishes. So she took my laptop and Ps3 but now i have them back. I love her but boy she can be a pain sometimes.
Heavy In Your Arms-Florence + The Machine
Hope you enjoy
Chapter 22
Chloe squeezes Violet hand when they stand in front of the magical door. Anne is in front of them mumbling a spell. The walls starts to shake and Violet jumps asking, “What the hell is happening?” Chloe smiles looking at her explaining, “It’s okay, it supposed to do that.” Violet nods her head but Chloe can tell that Violet is afraid but she want admit it. Finally the walls stop shaking and Anne opens the door and when Violet see’s cars and bikes she lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
They walk into the streets and up a hill. Violet takes in her surroundings she had never been in Rome before and it was beautiful. She watch the people walk by and the ancient buildings they past until they finally got to a big gate guarded by two men. “Hello my lady welcome back.” One if the guards announces.
Anne smiles and orders, “Let the elders know that Chloe and I have arrived with her mate.”
The guards looks at Chloe and bows and then at Violet and asks, “Where is her mate?” Chloe was about to answer until Anne orders, “Bring some horses please.” The guard runs off and seconds later he brings back two black horses and a white one. He hands the white one to Anne but she waves him off and says, “He belongs to Chloe now.” Anne rubs on the white horse face and smiles. She then turns around and says, “Chloe meet Silver he is yours now.”
Chloe looks shock when Anne offers Silver to her, he was big and beautiful she waves her hand saying, “No I don’t think I should. He belongs to you.”
“I’m honored to pass him down to you it’s a tradition and I would be hurt if you wouldn’t take him.” Anne smiles.
Chloe grins and climbs onto Silver while Anne and Violet climbs onto the other black horses. While the horses walk up the hill Violet notices that Chloe is looking around like she has never been here before. “Chloe why you look so surprise I thought you’ve been here before.”
“Yes, but I didn’t come through this way. It seems bigger.” Chloe replies.
“You came through the third gate which is the side for your castle.” Anne answers.
“My castle!” Chloe blurts. “How many castles are there?”
“There are three castles and four gates. The main gate and also three other gates on each side near each castle. The main gate takes you through the town which we are about to head to.” Anne points out. “The biggest castle is yours and your mate of course and the other two are for some elders and other important people like counsels you have to answer to.”
Chloe lets out a breath and says, “I’m so out of my league.”
Violet pulls her horse closer to Chloe’s and says, “You’re going to be fine.”
“How? It doesn’t look this big from the outside.” Chloe asks.
“It’s a spell, from the outside it just seems like a huge mansion but when you walk inside it’s really another city.” Anne answers.
“Oh I see.” Chloe replies.
“Once we arrive to town there are a few things you need to understand about our customs.” Anne says.
“I’m listening.” Chloe replies.
“I’m not talking about you I’m talking about Violet.” Anne announces. “First off, Chloe rides ahead of you, but you keep close behind. Second, be sure to keep a level head around the elders; they can be quite…judgmental and I don’t want you killing anyone.” Violet grins while Anne continues, “Third thing, remember to bow.”

Divide (GirlxGirl)
FantasyDivide isn't a normal town. It has Wolves, Witches, and Vampires and they are all divided into different parts of the town. Violet is a wolf and she has three brothers named Ethan, Lucas, and Scott and when she starts to protect a witch name Chloe e...