Chapter 16
Olivia picks Violet off the ground and carries her to the bed. Catherine and Dylan leave because they weren’t allowed in the house. Olivia lays Violet down carefully on the bed and sits there waiting for her to awake. Hours later in the middle of the night Olivia had fallen asleep in the chair but she awaken by Violet shaken and screaming, “Come back don’t leave.”
Olivia gets up and lies in the bed next to Violet she holds her tightly whispering in her ear, “Its okay I’m here now.”
Violet stops shaking and falls asleep in Olivia arms.
Rebecca bursts into Chloe room and awakes her she then says, “Look I’m sorry that I touch Violet but she was about to hurt you and I’m here to protect you.”
Chloe runs her hand though her hair and replies, “I can protect myself but thanks.”
Rebecca smiles and says, “Zada came by earlier and gave me this map.”
Chloe grabs the map sitting up in the bed and reads it, “You got to be kidding me.”
“What’s wrong?” Rebecca asks sitting next to Chloe on the end of the bed.
“The third book is in this abandon mining cave looks like we’re getting dirty.” Chloe explains.
“Dirty like the sound of that.” Rebecca smirks at her dirty thoughts. Chloe shakes her head and heads to the bathroom.
Violet stirs and is awoken in someone arms. She smiles but it is quickly wiped away when she sees Olivia. She immediately pushes Olivia out the bed away from her in frustration. She is pissed off because she thought it was a dream and that Chloe had return.
“What the hell!” Olivia says rubbing her eyes still sitting on the floor.
Violet stands over Olivia asking a little too harsh, “Why are you in bed?”
This makes Olivia stands in Violet face; she tired of Violet pushing her away every time she tries to help. “I brought you up here when Chloe your fucking mate threw you into a tree. You were hurt and badly bruise so I fix you up. Then I sat in this chair.” Olivia yells pointing at the wooden chair, “For hours waiting for you to awake. Then you start screaming ‘Chloe come back’ in the middle of the night. You were hurting yourself moving and hitting yourself like that so I got in the bed with you to comfort you. You finally fell asleep and so did I.” Olivia pauses than yells, “So stop being so damn stubborn all the time and at least be thankful that someone is here to take care of you.” She then walks out the door slamming it.
Violet sits in her bed looking at the badges on her body. She then tries to move but the pain shoots up her body. She lies back down and concentrates on healing. Hours later she pulls her cell phone out and text Catherine.
She gets up out her bed and rips the bandages off her body and gets into the shower. When she’s done she walks down stairs to see Catherine arguing with one of the pack members.
“If you don’t get out my way I’m going to break your bones.” Catherine threats, “Now move so I can see my best friend.”
“Let her in.” Violet orders.
When everyone hears her voice the mansion goes silent even the maids and servants stop working and looks. Violet waves her hand and says, “You’re all dismissed.” Everyone moves quickly and exits the main room. “Hello Catherine.”
Catherine rushes through the door and hugs Violet whispering in her ear, “Are you okay?”
Violet smiles and nods her head and asks, “Did you text Anne.”

Divide (GirlxGirl)
FantasyDivide isn't a normal town. It has Wolves, Witches, and Vampires and they are all divided into different parts of the town. Violet is a wolf and she has three brothers named Ethan, Lucas, and Scott and when she starts to protect a witch name Chloe e...