26. The True Legend

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Chapter 26

Violet stands in front of everyone about to start the story until her father blurts, "I will tell you how the war began." Violet rolls her eyes as she listen to the story she was told as a child.

"In the early 1800s there was a man name Victor who own this town he was the wealthiest of all and was married to a young lady name Beverly. Back then there were rumors of witches so Victor and Beverly kept it a secret. Well the maid Sue found out and blackmail Victor for years. Victor was so in love with his wife he paid Sue most of all his earning. All Vampires are just greedy demons." Richard explains.

"Well that's one thing true about your version." Anne says.

"Continue father everyone will get their turn." Violet demands.

"Beverly found out and cast a spell on Sue so she couldn't speak anymore. Sue couldn't read or write so she left town. Victor and Beverly lived happily for the next few years until Sue return with vampires feasting and infecting the town. Sue only concern was the witch she search the mansion and when Beverly heard Sue speak Beverly couldn't believe her eyes so she cast a spell teleporting her into the woods.

There she grieved over her dead husband and two children. She found some villagers living peacefully in the woods and they became her new family. She told the villagers that she was a witch and that there were demons hunting her. Well they had become attach to her so they said they would fight for her. She loved their bravery but also knew it was suicide so she cast a spell on some fighters turning them into wolves.

After the wolves won the first battle the vampires retreated but Beverly betrayed the villagers when Sue returned saying her husband and children we're alive, well vampire alive. Beverly told all of the villager's weaknesses and the next night the vampires attack and slaughtered the villagers only so many survive and that's what started the war." Richard finishes.

"That's a damn lie this is how it really started." Catherine hollers.

"I believe they have forgotten you know the truth." Chloe whispers in Violet ear.

"They will all be shock at the truth." Violet replies.

"This is how it started Sue was a vampire somehow she was infected by a bat. When she figured out what she was she only fed on animals she didn't want to hurt anyone. Well the bitch Beverly told her husband that Sue was attacking town's people when really Beverly was practicing her dark as witch magic on the town's people she didn't want to get caught so when she found out what Sue was a vampire she blame it on her. Victor sent out some humans to hunt her down. Of course they were slaughter Sue tried to run but she couldn't run forever so she just defended herself. Beverly became angry and cast a spell on some villagers creating them into wild, untrained, beast." Catherine explains.

All the wolves in the mansion begin to growls and Olivia says, "Watch your mouth before you are eating alive in here."

Catherine looks at Olivia apologetic then says, "I'm just telling it how I was told. Anyways Sue created more vampires so she could protect herself and that's what started the war it wasn't our fault the witch was evil and the wolves became out of control." Catherine finishes sitting in her seat crossing her arms over her chest.

Violet was about to begin until Anne blurts, "That's a lie Beverly was the nicest and purest person in town. Well of course people became jealous of her and her relationship with Victor who was the wealthiest man in town. One day Sue made a plan to kill Beverly but Beverly defended herself by using magic. Sue became proud and didn't want to kill Beverly anymore she was going to tell the town so Beverly could be burn to death.

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