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       I wake up and Jacks gone. He must've closed his dark grey curtains because no sunlight was able to slip in. I throw my legs off the edge of the bed and I enter the hallway with my phone in hand. I slightly creep down the hallway and I hear voices coming from the kitchen.

       "No I'm telling you Daniel, she's an amazing cuddlier. You're right." Jack speaks to I'm guessing Daniel. They then continue to talk about random guy stuff so I decided to make my self-known. a-choo! Jack and Daniel both shifts their gazes towards my direction.

      "How long have you been there?" Jack asks while scratching the back of his neck.

      "I just got here...Why do you ask?" I questioned while stitching my eyebrows together. I'm an amazing actor.

      "Oh, no reason just talking about bo-" Jack started but he was soon cut off by Daniel.

    "FOOD! Yeah, we're talking about food!" He grins and sits up straighter as if he won something.

       "Uhm, okay then."

      I spot Jonah with his back towards me. I think it would be a great idea if I annoy him. I go up behind him and whisper a "boo" in his ear making him jump up and lose his pancake on the floor!

      "GOD DAMN IT DAKOTA!" Jonah shouts. He turns off the burner and places the spatula down on the counter.

      I smirk and take a seat right between Jack and Daniel. They look away trying to hide their laughter.

      "Does someone need a hug?" I ask Jonah just like how I would ask a 3-year-old toddler that just got a tiny scrape on its finger.

      "YOU! I had enough of you! I'm sick and tired of this! After today I'm not talking to you!" Jonah shouts like a 9-year-old girl.

       "After this, I'm not talking to you!" I mock him in a high pitch voice. He rolls his eyes and stomps his way to his room. And may I add, Jack and Daniel just burst out into laughter.

       "THAT WAS GREAT!" Daniel cries.

       "DID YOU SEE HIS FACE?!" Jack laughs on the ground.

      "Hey guys, what happened to Jon- What's going on in here?" Zach begins but changes the topic because of the unexpected scene in front of him.

       "You had to be here." Daniel laughs while wiping away the rest of his tears.

       "I'm not going to ask, oh and by the way Dakota, management called and they have this whole thing set up, your outfit is laying on Jacks bed." Zach states. I nod my head and walk down the hallway to Jacks room to change.

       We're on our way to the mall, well... I am. I'm forced to go in a separate car so nothing is "suspicious" if a fan notice Jonah with a random, unknown girl. For some weird reason, I'm actually messing the loudness of the boys. I know I've only been with them for less than 24 hours but these boys (besides Jonah) can really grow onto you really fast.

      I unlock my phone and I go over the check list management has sent me and Jonah. Boy, this is gonna fun.

       Once I finished reading the checklist and the overall plan for about the tenth time the car jolted to a stop.

       "We're here." The driver says. He presses a button on the steering wheel and my door opens. I step out and look ahead at the mall.

       "Thank you." I softly speak and as soon as I said that he speeds away.

        I guess it's time to do this shit.

       I walk into the entrance and I was surrounded by stores and groups of friends most likely talking about a new girl that they don't like or their crush on the high school jock.

       Step #1; Get a coffee.

        I walk to the nearest coffee shop and order a large black bean coffee with 1 scoop of sugar and 3 pumps of vanilla. Even though management is making me do this doesn't mean I'm not going to make the best of it.

        They soon call out my name and I take a sip of the coffee in my hands. I say my thank you's and I walk away heading to the meeting point where we're supposed to meet.

       Step #2; Follow the screams

        I was walking towards our set meeting point and I see various people with cameras around their necks looking for any sign of the boys.

        Soon enough, as if on cue, I hear the ear piercing screams heading towards me. I see five familiar faces running towards me, half of them with sorrow looks on their faces and then just Jonah's dick face. I place my ear buds in and start to walk towards the running boys. I look down at my phone and I pretend I can't hear or see anything. Next thing you know I'm on the ground with my hot coffee spilled all over the ground and then all you could hear was the clicks of cameras going off.

       Step #3; Showtime

       I look up towards Jonah and Jonah looks down at me, offering me his hand to help me up, which I gladly take. He pulls me up to my feet and apologizes for the coffee.

      "I can go get you a new one if you want!" He offers and sends me a warm-hearted smile.

        "No, you really don't need to do that! it wasn't that good anyways!" I laugh and he laughs along with me. We talk some more then he asks for my number that I just realized he didn't have yet. I pulled out my phone and he punched in his number and I gave him mine.

        "Let's talk later yeah?" He asks and I nod. He shoots me one last smile before turning around and starts to meet fans again.

       Step #4; Get the hell out of there

       As soon and Jonah turned around I walked the other way. But the only thing I didn't expect was all of the paparazzi following me wondering who I was and what Jonah was talking to me about.

        I ignored their questions and I jumped back into the car I have arrived in earlier. The driver pulls out of the parking lot as fast as possible to avoid any fans or paparazzi that would follow us home.

        Thank god I'm out of here, but that actually wasn't that bad!

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