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jonah's pov

"Are you sure you'll have time to run to the bus?" John, the tour manager asks as he leans against the tall metal door way, blocking me from leaving.

"Yes, i'm sure. Now please move." I speak. He lets out a sigh and moves out of the way, allowing me to rush through and make my way to the bus that's parked in the back parking lot.

"Dakota please be okay" I softly whisper to myself. Incase you're wondering why i'm saying that well, while we were performing I got this terrible feeling in my stomach that's something wrong and I just couldn't shake the feeling away if I didn't check on Dakota.

"Dakota?" I yell out as I open the door of the bus. I walk in and notice it seems more empty then usual.

"Dakota!" I yell out even louder. I rush into the back rooms and notice her things are missing and she's no where to be found.

"Damnit!" I shout and slam my hand down onto the table in the living room.

Where did she go?

Just as I was about to rush out of the bus I notice a letter sitting on the table.

No! No! This can't be happening!


"What do you mean she's gone!" Jack whisper shouts, trying his best to keep his voice down so the fans who are waiting patiently won't hear.

"She-She's gone! She's not there!" I whimper. How could she leave without saying goodbye?

"Where could she have gone?" Daniel asks while pacing around, running his hands through his hair.

"The airport."

"What'd you say Corbyn?" I ask, not knowing if I heard him right.

"The airport! She's flying home! Where else would she go?" He speaks a little louder this time.

"DUDE YOURE SO SMART!" I yell in excitement and start running towards the exit, hoping to make it to the airport in time. She can't leave like this, not without saying goodbye.

"Jonah, we have a show to do!" Zach yells after me.

"Say I wasn't feeling well and you guys finish the show! I can't let the love of my life walk out on me!" I yell as I steal the keys for one of the managers car and speed off to the airport.

Please don't leave me Dakota, please!


3rd POV

The young lover pulls into a parking spot after 40 minutes of driving in hopes to meet up with the girl of his dreams before she takes off with no warning.

"Please still be here!" He hops as he rushes into the doors of the large airport, wiping away some of his tears.

"Flight 628 to New York is now departing, Flight 628 to New York now departing." The lady on the loud speaker speaks. This message only made Jonah run faster, faster then he ever ran before.

As the brown headed boy approached the gate everything seemed to move in slow motion.



All of his shouting only earned him strange looks from the tired travelers around him but he didn't noticed. He only had one thing in mind and that was finding the one girl that changed him for the better... The one who is about to break his heart.

Just as the boy was about to give up, he saw her. Her long brown hair tied up into a not on the top of her head and she was handing the lady at the gate her ticket while pulling down the sleeve of the hoodie she stole from Jonah before leaving.

"Dakota!" He yells one last time, running the little gap that's keeping them apart...He gained one last look of Dakota, she looked... Broken. Her face was stained red from crying so much and her eyes had no hope left in them, almost glowing with a dull gray color. He never seen her like this.

But he was to late to save her,

The gate closed and she was gone.

The young boy collapse onto his knees, feeling a sharp pain in his chest that he never felt before

heart break

he was shattered.

he lets his tears flow freely, how was he suppose to move on knowing she's out there and not with him?

"I need you Dakota!" He yells out one last time before letting guilt take over him. He should've been there for her, he should've notice something was wrong, right?

Jonah feels a little buzz in his pocket and he takes the last of his energy to pull it out and read the screen

"I need you j"




I knwo a lot of you guys are thinking "just get a plane ticket" YEAH I KNOW THAT WOULD WORK BUT LET JONAH HAVE HIS HEART BREAK!


Did you expect it?

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