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       I was awoken early in the morning by a quiet ringing coming from my phone. I groan and roll over and grab it and checked who the caller was, Freddy.


       "Hey Dakota! What are you doing today?" Shes asks with to much energy especially because it's 8 in the morning.

        "Well I was sleeping-"

         "Oh my bad! But are you up for going shopping?" She asks. I sigh and agree.

          "Yay! I'll be at your house in 20 minutes so get ready!" She yells and hangs up the phone. I groan and throw myself onto my feet from the couch where I passed out the night before. I walk down the hallway to Jacks room where he was passed out shirtless on his bed. Damn that boy is fine. I quietly walk over to where all my clothes are and I pick out a pinkish colored cop top and dark ripped jeans along with some cute brown heels. I change and exit is room without waking him up.

         I check my makeup in the mirror and decided that whatever makeup I had on from last night looks decent. I heard a honk outside so I grab my phone and my wallet off of the counter and I exit the house and we started off to the mall.

        "Look at this!" Freddy suddenly speaks. She hold up a blue crop top and sets it in the huge pile of clothes on her arm. I laugh at her while shaking my head.

         "You know where we should go next?" Freddy asks while walking towards the check outline.

          "Where?" I ask her. I place my few items on the counter and the cashier starts ringing the items up.

          "Victoria Secret" She smirks and hands the cashier her credit card. I nearly spit out my start-bucks drink. Why Victoria Secret?! I mentally shake my head.

        "Yeah! That would be fun, I need some new bras anyways" I laugh. She agrees and we walk out of the store after paying for our items. We take the short stroll to the store and she heads straight towards the lingerie. WHAT IS SHE DOING?!

       "uh Freddy, The bras are over there." I point out. She just laughs and shakes her head.

       "No no silly, We came here to get some lingerie, Especially for you! I can practically smell how bad you and Jonah needs to spice up your sex life! How long has it been since you gave it to him?" She asks. I hang my jaw in disbelief of what she just asked and it hits me. She doesn't know we're fake dating.

        "Uh that's between me and Jonah." I awkwardly laugh. She shakes her head and opens her mouth to speak.

        "Well me and zach done it 2 days ago! and let me tell you-"

        "Oh no please don't tell me anything about..That" I scrunch up my face and wave my finger when I said 'That'. Shes laughs and grabs a set off of the rack.

        "What about this one?" She asks. I go to open my mouth to reply but she starts to speak again.

        "You know what, I don't think you know what men like when it comes to things like this. You're trying it on." She laughs. I smile in defeat and she grabs 3 other sets. What am I allowing her to do?!

         "So how did you and Jonah meet?" She asks while we were over by the underwear. I pause for a moment and think.

         "We were at the same concert together while I was out visiting some family in minnesota and I guess we kinda just clicked" I lied. She awh's and leads me into the dressing rooms.

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