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jacks pov

        "mom you don't even know her yet!"

        "she's not using me mom, trust me. Dakota is the-"

       "let me speak please!"

        "no no no just hear me out"

        "dakota is the nicest most down to earth person I've ever met and she means everything to me. The moment I laid my eyes on her my whole world stopped and the only thing still moving was her. She's stunning and if i'm being opened here I can't see myself spending a second of my future without her. She's the girl of my dreams and she finally said yes to being my girlfriend!" I exclaim a little too excitedly.

        "yes mom, I promise."

        "mhm yeah love you too, bye." I close my eyes and let out a little smile as I throw myself onto my bed. Dakota's the girl from my dreams and now she's finally mine, and my mom even approves of her! I let out another smile and roll to face my open bedroom door.

        "Shit." I mumbled. I stood up to my feet and shut the door as fast as I could. I really hope none of the boys heard my conversation.

jonah's pov

       No, no, no! This can't be happening! Why does this always have to happen to me?! Every time I finally open up to someone, someone has to come in and ruin it!

        I storm into my room and slam the door shut. I grab the nearest item and look at it in my hand, a glass cup. Without even thinking I chuck it at the wall and watch it shatter into a million little pieces, all landing on the carpet underneath the wall. I wish I got to her earlier, I wish I was fucking nice to her!

        "This is all my fault! Way to go Jonah, way to fucking go. You always ruin everything you have. Hope you're proud of yourself." I mumble underneath my breath while pacing around my room, tugging at my hair and letting a few angry tears flow down my checks.

dakota's pov

        "KILL HIM DANI!!" I shout as daniel clicks the multiple buttons on the console control over and over again.

        "I-I-I- I GOT HIM!" Daniel shoots up and gives me a high five.

        "Way to go." I smile and plop back onto the couch.

        "So, how did your little date go last night?" Daniel smirks and places the remote down onto the coffee table.

       "Amazing, Jacks wonderful." I blush. Daniel laughs and places his hand and my shoulder.

        "So what are you guys considered now?" Daniel asks. I look down at my hands and smile.

       "I'll be right back. Get the rest of the boys in here please!" I yell and take off towards Jacks room.

       "Hey Jack." I laugh and jump on the bed, eventually making my way over his torso to straddle him.

        "Hey love." He smiles up at me and takes my hands in both of his. I lean down and give him a quick peck on the lips before continuing.

       "Daniel asked what we are considered as now and I didn't tell him anything. I think we should tell everyone as a group." I half smile. Jack study's my face and soon releases a small smile.

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