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"Good morning" Jack mumbles as he pokes my cheek. I roll my eyes at him and flip the other way in hopes for him to leave me alone.

      "I can't believe you slept on the couch." He laughs and sits down on the open spot near my feet.

       "Dakota, it's almost 10 you gotta get up." He says and darts his eyes to mine but reverts his look and glances up towards the tv playing a chic flick.


        "Only a few more minutes." He finally broke and rests his arm on top of my legs. After a few moments of listening to the soft hum of the tv I once again fall asleep.


       Jack turns the channel to TMZ after getting bored of the chick flick playing on the screen of his tv. He looks down at the now sleeping Dakota and sighs to himself. He truly feels something towards her but he doesn't know how to express his feelings to her. After all, he is just the boy who invited her to sleep in the same bed as him so she didn't have to sleep with someone she despises...Right?

        Jack shakes his head and shifts his attention back to the tv where one of his best friends was mentioned.

       Famous 'Why Don't We' member Jonah Marais has been spotted with a mystery girl last night on a romantic night out on the beach! Are they dating or is she just another one of his toys?

       Pictures pop up on the tv of the two from the previous night but one truly stuck out like a sore thumb to Jack, a picture of Dakota straddling Jonah. Her hands were tangled in his wild hair and his hands were wrapped around her torso, exploring her back from over her shirt. Jack could almost feel the connection between the two through the TV screen and he just couldn't believe his eyes, is he really seeing this? He could practically feel is heart shattering in a million little pieces inside of his chest. He shook his head in disbelief and quickly turns off the tv. Not knowing what to do, Jack stands up, careful not to wake up Dakota, and he tip-toes out of the living room and up to his room where he starts to create a master plan which will surely capture her heart.


"Dakota!" Corbyn whispers into my ear. I slowly open my eyes and I roll over to face him.

       "yes?" I ask and slowly sit up while rubbing my eyes. Corbyn meets my curious glance and grabs my hand yanking me to my feet and towards the bathroom.

       "Woah Corbyn hold up!" I laugh. He keeps pulling at my arm until we stop in front of the bathroom.

       "You're going on a date." He grins and pushes me into the bathroom.

       "Wait with who?! Me and Jonah just went on one last night!" I yell through the now closing door. Corbyn laughs and peeps his head through the crack.

       "Jack, get fancy!" He smirks and shuts the door all the way. I shake my head and laugh at his cuteness. Boy is he cute.

       I smile to myself and start to prep for the night to come.


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