Chapter One

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Copyright © zylgnagnaba 2014

March, 2015

London, UK

Beloved Valerie,

I remember the few times you told me that you love spring and you always looked forward to see the fresh flowers bloom around the little garden that we made. How I’ve missed the way you cackle so hard and your nose crinkled whenever I start to rub dirt on your face. It keeps resonating in my head up until now. I guess I really love the sound of your laughter. It’s the sweetest melody that I’ve always been yearning to hear once again. All that’s left with me are distant memories.

Do you ever wonder how I-

“Mate, it’s your turn.” My head turns around once I hear Zayn’s voice travel across the room from the door frame of what I’d like to call ‘little office’. Nodding and letting out a thrift smile at him, I place my pen over the piece of paper before covering it with a folder, making a mental note to continue writing later on.

He waits for me until I reach the doorway and then he slings his arm around me while continuing to walk down the hall to the lounge.

“You’re nervous?” He tilts his head to look at my face and I shake my head casually, pressing my lips in a tight line as I do so.

“The designer’s just taking my measurements for the suit, right? Why would I be nervous?” I say matter-of-factly.

“That’s not what I meant, Harry. I mean are you nervous about the wedding? Because if you’re having cold feet, you could always-“

“Zayn, I’m not backing out.” I cut him off before he can even go too far with his words. If there’s something I am proud about myself, it’s the fact that when I decide something, I’m bound to finish it.

“Okay.” He tells me, his grin plastered on his face as he raises his free hand in mock surrender and I just shake my head at him disbelievingly.

A matter of five minutes trip to the first floor of my house, Zayn and I finally reach the lounge. I look around the room with few busy people before my sight darts to the tiny objects that are wrapped in transparent plastic and tied with white ribbons, placed on the centre table—I can only assume that they are the wedding souvenirs—and few brochures that features wedding samples. I guess this wedding is going to be huge.

I recall Zayn’s question by mentally answering that indeed, I am nervous about this.

“Harry, come over here darling.” Pascual, the fashion designer, calls my attention. The tape measure is dangling over his two hands as he grins, waiting for me to come forward so he can take my measurements.

I heave a sigh as I walk over to him and stand in front of him. He walks around to stand behind me and starts to drape the tape measure on both ends of my shoulder blades. Reading the measurement in centimetres, he dictates it to his assistant for her to jot it down on her notepad. He continues the process to other parts of my body such as my sleeves, chest, waist, and etcetera. Meanwhile, I take the time to look around the room as some of my friends that are present, helps in the wedding preps.

I watch as Louis laughs along with Eleanor, Niall and Bree while tasting the cake samples. Perrie would often disturb them by showing them the different motifs that she sees on the brochure in her hands. Zayn, well… I don’t know where he went so I look around for him until I see him entering the room once again. I smile at him as he decides to sit next to her wife, kissing her as she shows the same thing to her husband.

Perrie and Zayn already got married a couple of months back-- exactly a year later after their engagement. Fortunately for me, I was the only one who was dateless.

Liam and Sophia… they’re on their holiday trip to Singapore and promised to be back before we start the entourage rehearsals.

“Harry, take a bite.” I am a bit taken aback when Niall suddenly appears in front of me with the slice of cake on a plate in hand, thrusting a forkful of the cake into my mouth so I comply anyway. There’s a weird twist of lemon and vanilla but it works nonetheless. The least I can say is it’s not delicious. I guess, the mix is kind of genius. “What do you think? Is this the cake?” He asks me, his smile hopeful and expectant.

I just shrug my shoulder in uncertainty and answer, “I guess. That’s the cake.”

“Great,” He hails then turns around to face his fiancé, Bree. “The best man says it. This is the cake.” His voice is a little louder than he intended to and he sits down next to her. Niall is indeed really excited about the wedding of the century. How can he not be? He’s marrying Bree, the girl that he was waiting for how many years.

Their love story is a little bit rough at the start but I am glad that they’re finally ending up getting married within three months. God bless them.

I can’t say I am not honoured to be his best man, because honestly I am. I am just surprised that he would choose me over Liam or Louis or Zayn, because let’s face it; I am not the best man to qualify as a best man.

“Okay, you’re done.” Pascual tells me while tapping me on the back right after he measured the half-part of my body for my slacks.

“Thanks,” I mutter under my breath as I start marching out of the lounge. “Guys, if you need me, you know where I am.” I inform my friends that are huddled around the room, waving at them a little.

They all nod and smile at me, including Bree who is enchanted by the glinting silver engagement ring she has on her finger. I then disappear from them, marching up the steps to the second floor of the house. I close the door behind me as soon as I step inside my little office and return to my seat behind my desk.

I uncover the paper that I was scribbling on earlier before Zayn interrupted me. I insert the pen between my coiled thumb and forefinger, my lips part as I sigh and think of the words to say from where I left off.

Do you ever wonder how I am able to get through the day without you? Because I tell you, it’s hard, Valerie. It’s hard when every little thing that surrounds me reminds me of you. From the time that I wake up, up until I close my eyes, I’m reminded of you. I am haunted by the fact that I can’t even have you right next to me and all I can do is just reminisce.

I wish you were here, Valerie. I wish you were here. That way it would have been easier, because the truth is… I’m dying ever since the day you left.

Forever yours,



HELLO! YAY! HMB’s first chapter.


SNA isn’t finished yet but I decided to post the first chapter of HMB because I know some of you are already dying to know what happened between Valerie and Harry. But I still urge you to read SNA for all the goodie goodie stuff.

Now you know why I want you to read SNA? Because Bree is an important character in this book. Mwah

So, what do you think, huh?

Please vote and comment! Xx


Glyz <3

PS: Dedicated to @danielastyles_ because I love you. Thanks for always motivating me and saying all the right things. Mwah mwah enjoyyyy 

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