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I thought jisoo would take time to get well but she came to school the next day. in the class as usual me and jennie were sitting next to each other and jisoo and taehyun sat together behind us.

strangely I had my attention to jisoo and not jennie. I pretended not to care about her but still I would want to look behind to see her although I resisted myself most of the time.

taehyun was talking to jisoo a lot and I felt uncomfortable.

"I didn't see u around jisoo the past few days" he said

"oh, its nothing. just the regular sickness" she replied

"don't get so sick. I worry about you a lot, you know." he said with a deep voice

"thanks. I will try to be as healthy as I can " jisoo played along

they kept talking to each other the entire time and at once tine I lost my patience. why is jisoo talking to him so much? why is she smiling? she never smiled to me like that before.

or maybe she did. last night when I fed her, she had the same smile in her face but it seemed like she was resisting herself from expressing too much. I couldn't bare the fact that she was so happy with taehyun and not me. I grabbed Jennie and dragged her out of the class with me. I couldn't stay there lobger watching them talk to each other so nicely when all I ever got from jisoo was hate. maybe it's my fault for being rude to her but what could I have done? I thought Jennie was all I ever needed and seeing jisoo the first time i never thought that I would ever think of her like this. I wanted to get close to her but isn't it something that I should feel towards jennie?

 I wanted to get close to her but isn't it something that I should feel towards jennie?

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jennie was there for me always but all I ever did was use her whenever I felt low. I depended on her to get rid of my anxieties but did I ever see as someone whom I could love? I don't know. jennie was too perfect for me and I didn't deserve her. I was lost

I went home late that day. I wanted to be alone all day. I keot questioning my relationship with jennie. when I reached home I saw my father talking to someone. I went to his room and saw jisoo helping him with his drawing.

I was so surprised. my father saw me first. " yoongi come in. lemme introduce you to this lady, jisoo"

jisoo looked at me and was shocked. "umm is the the son u were talking about? she asked

" yes, my one nd only son. yoongi be good and introduce yourself" he said

" I don't need to. I already know her. what is she doing here? I said angrily

" why are u being so rude?" he fought back.

"rude? and u call youself my dad? do u even realize who u are? what was the last time u talked to me? and from when did u become so nice? u are a drunk who never took care of your son. and u jisoo, why are u following me? leave my famiily alone and get a life" I bursted in anger

my father was about to say something when jisoo screamed "what king of a son you are? do u even realize what your father went through today? he went to sell his painting and fainted on the way. I saw him and took him to the hospital. on our way back he kept talking only about u and I thought that his son is very lucky to have him but this is what you do? I have no intention of following you but please take care of you dad. u don't know how much he loves u. learn to read the eyes of the person infront of u. u have always been bad at that suga. oneday because u couldn't read the other person's feelings towards u, u will lose them and regret"

then she turned to my dad and started screaming back again

" and u abbuji, don't drink so much. u are ruining your family. and why can't u say to suga how much u love him? I know that u love him a lot but if u keep drinking the whole day then who will take care of him? who will look after him?" then she looked at both of ua and said

"you two, be kindd to each other. why did u fight in front of me? the next time I see u, make sure to treat each other well"

then she picked her bag and left with a thud. me and my father were dumbfounded and looked at each other. who knew she would have so much anger in heer about us in just that few minutes. I didn't know what to say to my dad but I asked "are you feeling okay?"

"yes, son. just a bit tired. wash yourself. jisoo made me buys vegetables for soup. she was supposed to cook it but I guess we have too figure that out by ourselves."

"r u not going to drink like u do everyday?" I asked

"umm. jisoo made me promise in the hospital not to drink. so I m trying my best. don't know for how long though

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