Chapter 2 ~ Impressive

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Three weeks have passed since I first officially met Snotlout Jorgenson, and it would be a lie to say that I had been disappointed by the budding friendship I had been developing with him. Of course, he was still busy on Dragon's Edge most of the time, but he tended to stop by Berk quite a bit to supposedly restock on their medical supplies and food rations. Somehow we always managed to run into one another, mainly because it appeared that our dragons just couldn't stay away from each other. Hookfang and Nightwing had become quite close over the past few weeks, nearly inseparable, in fact, leading me to wonder about what that meant, not that Snotlout or I had a problem with it.

One afternoon I found myself in the forest outside of town, having been sent by Gothi to collect some honey, which was actually a key antibiotic we used in most of our medicine, so we needed to stock up on some before winter arrived. It wasn't going to be an easy job, but with Nightwing by my side, what could potentially get me stung by a swarm of bees would go by rather smoothly. I just had to find a beehive.

Nightwing and I strode through the woods, examining this tree and that in search of the usual collection of cone shapes that were generally found dangling from low hanging branches. Along the way, I collected some poppy seeds and mint growing on the forest floor and placed them in my traveling pouch, listening for the telltale buzzing that came with the yellow and black flying insects as I did so. Nightwing kept stopping every few paces though, warily swinging her head back and forth as if in search of something. "Crazy dragon." I chuckled, unsure of why she was acting that way. Even still, I knew better than to second guess my friend, and I withdrew my sword from the holster on my dragon's saddle. I stopped moving, taking heed of our surroundings. The sound of a faint grunt and a twig snapping directly behind me caught my attention, and instinctively I kicked back with my right leg, dropping my assailant to their knees. I whipped around, swinging my weapon to hover above the neck of my opponent.

Once the adrenaline wore off and I saw who I had pinned on the ground, I instantly back away, blushing like mad. "Snotlout! I'm so sorry!" I apologized, holding my hand out to help him up. His eyes were blown wide in bewilderment, mouth gaping open and panting as he tried to get oxygen back in his lungs, and hands in the air with his palms facing the sky. When he was finally able to catch his breath, he accepted my hand and stood up, leaning on a tree for support. " did you do that?" He finally managed. I bit my lip. "I told you, I've learned some things through the years, by training with Nightwing." I answered, before crossing my arms over my chest as I gave him a question of my own. "I could've killed you Snotlout, why were you following me?" He scratched the back of his neck and looked down at his feet sheepishly. "I saw you walk into the woods. I wanted to make sure you were okay." He replied. My gaze softened and I placed a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm fine. But thank you anyway. I really am sorry for attacking you. A girl can never be too careful." I told him, hoping he could understand. "It's was actually kind of cool." He replied, looking back up at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. His features quickly shifted into his usual smirk, making me wonder if I had just imagined it instead. "Listen, Brenna, I was also wondering if you would like to come to Dragon's Edge today. Get a tour, hang out...maybe show us some of those moves of yours." He prodded hopefully.

I was taken aback by his question. I'd have to get permission to leave from Gothi, but I was itching to go explore, and I still hadn't been to Dragon's Edge yet. Even Gustav had been there before I had! How could I turn down an offer like this, especially since I would be leaving with Snotlout and I would get to see all the riders again. Berk had been almost too quiet without them. "I'd love to, Snotlout, but first I have to finish collecting honey for Gothi and then ask her if I can go. If you could wait a little while though, I would certainly love the company." I explained. "Sure!" He agreed, and I watched as a look of realization formed on his face. "Wait, did you say you were looking for honey?" "Yeah, why?" I answered, wondering why that was suddenly relevant to my friend. "Oh, well, I saw a beehive over there when I was following you." He told me, motioning to the right of the path, back in the direction of where I had come from. "Lead the way." I smirked, letting Snotlout show me what he was talking about. I followed him back the way I came, before we made a sharp right, coming face to face with a towering birch tree surrounded by some rather irritated looking bees.

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