Chapter 17 ~ An Elder's Pride

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 The morning following Nightwing's rescue mission, I awoke to a startling surprise. Snotlout, my mother, Hiccup, and Astrid were all standing around me. I nearly leaped out of the bed, hardly containing my scream. "H-hey! What are you guys doing? W-why are you here? Not that I'm not happy you are...just...why were you watching me sleep?" I inquired, placing my hand on my chest in an effort to calm my racing heartbeat. "Hiccup and Snotlout called everyone to the Great Hall this morning. They told us what happened yesterday, and everything you did. How brave you were, how you had planned Nightwing's rescue and pulled it off, how you defeated that dragon trapper and his men, and then managed to take care of all your dragons and friends by yourself. All in the course of a day!" My mother explained, unable to hide the tears in her eyes and the smile on her face. She looked so proud.

My heart clenched painfully, feeling like I didn't deserve all of this praise, nor was I worthy of a village announcement. "It really was nothing, and I would never have saved Nightwing if the other rider's hadn't have helped me." I stated, looking at my friends. They shook their heads. "If you hadn't have kept Magnus busy yesterday, we would not have been able to save those other dragons. We were successful because of you. All of us agree on that." Astrid spoke up, sitting down next to me on the bed. "Brenna, I spoke with everyone that was there yesterday while you were caring for Nightwing, and we came to a consensus. You deserve to be recognized for what you did. All of us have had our chances, but you haven't been given the thanks you have earned. You've been there for all of us throughout the years, as a friend, a fighter, a healer, and an open heart. We want to change that." Hiccup looked around at everyone in the room expectantly, finding them all nodding and smiling in agreement.

I was at a loss for words, bewildered by their opinion of me. Yes, I was their friend, but I had never been significant. I wasn't a hero. Not like them. But they thought I was. And it felt overwhelming... My gaze fell on each person individually, waiting for any clue as to what they were going to say next. Snotlout finally gave me a grin. "We spoke to someone pretty important...and they also said it was time for this. It's been long overdue." He remarked, winking at me. I rose an eyebrow, watching as he stepped to the side, revealing my aunt Gothi standing behind him. She walked forward, reaching out for my hand. I quickly got out of the bed and strode over to her, giving her my hand. Gothi smiled, dipping her head to me. "Gothi said you have completed your training with flying colors. It is time for you to become a healer in your own right." My mom explained.

My jaw fell open in shock, and I turned to stare at my aunt. "Are you serious? Are...are you sure I am ready?" I pressed, feeling my heart racing in my chest. Once again, she nodded, clasping my hands within her own. I felt tears of happiness threatening to spill from my eyes, and I wrapped my arms around her. " Thank you, aunt Gothi. I am honored..." I whispered. She pinched my cheek, giving me another smile. I pulled away from her, wiping the water from my cheek as I smiled in excitement. "We will hold the celebration for you at the end of the week. We were gonna do it today, but realized you are probably still tired since you didn't go to bed until nearly dawn, and the rest of us need time to prepare." Hiccup said. "Thank you guys, thank you so much...I can't tell you how much this means to me." I said, meeting their eyes one by one. They all smiled back. "You deserve it. Now, it is time for you to take the day off." Hiccup said. The sound of an explosion came from outside, causing us all to flinch. "Astrid and I better check that out. We'll catch you later, Brenna." He added, looking perplexed as he went to go to investigate the source of the sound, Astrid following close behind.

Their exit left Gothi, Snotlout, my mom and I. "So...did I miss anything else at the meeting this morning? Why did no one wake me to come?" I asked. My mom smirked. "Well, Hiccup came to me this morning and said that you had a long night and to let you sleep, and we wanted to surprise you with the news. The only thing you missed was Snotlout interrupting Hiccup every time he said your name." She told me, glancing at the brunet leaning against the wall. I whipped my head around, facing him dead on. "What did you say?" I questioned. He chuckled nervously, before my mother answered for him. "Hiccup would go 'Brenna,' and then Snotlout would say 'My girlfriend,' constantly reminding us of the new development between you two." She finished, a knowing glint flashing in her eyes. I blushed scarlet, from my chest all the way up to the edge of my forehead.

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