Chapter 21 ~ Glimpsing the Past

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  The morning after our wedding, the sun shone brightly into the window of the hut, causing me to squint my eyes as I adjusted to the light in the room. For the slightest moment, I forgot what all had transpired the night before. Until I registered the feeling of strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind. Glancing over my shoulder, I recognized the man sleeping soundly behind me. Snotlout looked so peaceful, at ease and relaxed, his chest rising and falling with each breath. Almost childlike, in a weird way. Smiling, I rolled over, content to just lay there and watch him, as creepy as it sounded. This was so surreal. My fingers explored his frame; tracing his broad shoulders, running down muscular biceps, and across his sculpted chest, playing with the dark curls that rested there.

Time ticked by slowly, unwavering as I kept my gaze locked on my new husband. This man had been my best friend, or at least, my best male friend, for so long. I loved him so much. I hoped he was as happy with me as I was with him, especially after yesterday. Eventually, the man shifted, grumbling in his sleep. His nose twitched, and then his lip, and he finally broke into a grin. "Hooky, you know that tickles..." I giggled as he tried to swat my fingers away. Apparently his skin was highly sensitive. Hearing my voice, Snotlout's eyes flew open, and he reached for the blanket, clutching it against his chest. This of course, caused me to cackle more, burying my face into the pillow. "Brenna! Why ar-" He began, before noticing the state we were both in. "Oh...oh right...last night...we..." He trailed off, face reddening. I nodded, still laughing. Snotlout relaxed, a smile creeping onto his lips. " was it?" He asked, nuzzling his nose into my neck. "You're incorrigible." I moaned, shaking my head. " was fun..." I answered anyway, blushing and causing my lover to fist pump the air victoriously, his ego boosted more than it already had been.

We laid there for a bit longer, enjoying the comfort of our marriage bed, before deciding to get up and gather our things so that we could leave for our honeymoon. We each went to our families' huts to retrieve our weapons, basic travel necessities, and some different clothes, while saying goodbye to our parents. We would be gone for about a week and a half, off to do some exploring of our own.

My husband and I met each other with our dragons at the Great Hall. "Ready to go?" Snotlout called, climbing up onto Hookfang's neck as I stroked Nightwing's cheek scales. "Yes, sir!" I replied, smiling. Exchanging a glance, both Monstrous Nightmares took to the air. Seastrike and Suntooth would be staying behind with Duskwing, Stormfang, and Flameshadow, all of which were making themselves at home in the cave behind our home. My mother and Slyvi agreed to keep an eye the horde, promising to take care of them as if they were their own.

Once we were a fair distance from the mainland, Snotlout and I were able to breath again, feeling truly free. Don't get me wrong, Berk was wonderful, but we needed a break from the craziness of our families and our village. "Where do you want to go, babe?" Snotlout gestured to the vast territory ahead of us. I thought about it a moment, unsure. "Well...we have plenty of time to go anywhere we want." I remarked. Snotlout nodded, seemingly just as undecided as I was. Then something occurred to me, and I couldn't help the devious smirk that planted itself on my face. "What? I know that look..." Snotlout chuckled, meeting my eyes. "Well, if you think about it...I never got to spend the night with you on Dragon's Edge when you guys were living there." I reminded him. Snotlout blinked, taking in my words, and then smirked as he understood my implication. "That's true...Alright Fangster! The Edge it is!" He announced. Nightwing and Hookfang hissed at each other, before the pair flapped their wings, propelling us through the sky, toward the horizon.

The flight to Dragon's Edge didn't feel nearly as long as it usually did, but it may have been because of the dragons racing their way to the island. From what we could see of it, the Edge seemed untouched, as if nothing had transpired in the past year and a half since the riders packed their things and left. Even still, Snotlout and I knew better than to trust appearances, and together we did some sweeps over the island, making sure no dragon trappers had taken residence on their former home. When everything looked clear, Snotlout directed the dragons so that they landed at the stables, allowing us to dismount. The dragon couple flew away almost instantly, apparently wanting to have their own alone time.

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