Chapter 6 ~ The Name Game

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                                                                                Brenna POV

Two weeks after our Snoggletog celebration was Berk's coming of age dance. This party was one of the rare occasions where our natural warrior nature was forgone in favor of a kinder, more elegant evening. The men of the village wear their best furs and the women change out of our typical fighting gear in exchange for long, beautiful dresses. The purpose of the dance was held to celebrate the youngest vikings in the village officially becoming adults. Within the coming year, Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, the twins, and I would be turning eighteen; recognized as young adults by our peers. It was encouraged that we tried to find someone to accompany us to this celebration, whether they be a simple friend or a potential romantic partner. Also, select women from the village were chosen to be the main entertainment, playing music and singing for those who danced. Those of us who were being honored were expected to start the dancing as well, with the parents and other adults joining after. As you could well imagine, the pressure was building for us.

Thankfully, I had a few tiny distractions to keep my mind off of all of the craziness. Or rather, a few rapidly growing distractions. Nightwing and Hookfang's babies were starting to grow in size, nearly three feet long from nose to tail tip. Their wingspan was easily four feet across, and they could already light their bodies on fire. Hookfang and Nightwing were spending even more time together than usual, which in turn meant that Snotlout and I were going to be seeing a lot more of each other, at least for the time being. We decided to share the responsibility of taking care of the dragon babies, since it was our dragons who had mated and bestowed such precious gifts to Berk.

One morning, I had accompanied the three dragon babies down to the waterfall under the mainland area of our island. It was near the docks, but still secluded, and I figured it would be a nice area to take the dragons to learn to swim. I shed my skirt and boots, but left my tunic and leggings on as I stepped into the water. It was crystal clear and cool, but thankfully the sun was shining even though it was winter. Snotlout was supposed to meet me here with Hookfang, but both were nowhere to be found yet, most likely held up talking with Hiccup or something. Nightwing followed me into the water, urging her babies to do the same. This was the first time that my dragon had had any eggs, so she was a very protective mother, as one could expect a new mom would be. The pale Monstrous Nightmare waded into the shallow part of the pond as well, the ripples lapping at the base of her legs. The three babies cocked their head and slowly scampered forward. Unfortunately, instead of heading toward the water, the dark blue one had discovered the way sand moves under a dragon's claw, and tackled his lavender sister into the soft ground. Of course, this spurred the other sister, the orange one, to defend the first against their brother. And so, thus began the play fight in which a tumbling flurry of purple, orange, and sapphire started rolling around in the sand beside the water, dust flying up into the air in a whirlwind of movement. Nightwing glanced at me and snorted, amused by her children's antics. I shrugged, laughing along with her. They're gonna be busy for a while. I thought.

Still not seeing Snotlout, and unable to train dragons in the midst of their battle, I decided that I should enjoy my time to relax. I walked further into the water, until I stood waist deep directly beside the waterfall. It was not a loud one by any means. In fact, the water was almost soundless as it rushed off the cliff and into the pond below, leaving a tranquil atmosphere that surrounded us. I sank to my knees, getting my hair wet and relishing in the refreshing feeling of the waves pulsing against my body and the spray dampening my face. Out of habit, I found myself singing. "Baby I just don't get it. Do you enjoy being hurt? I wish you knew I loved you, that we could make it work." I paused, thinking of a particular individual I was growing more attracted to by the day. "I don't care about their stories. I know that they're not lies. Bad as you are, I stick around and you just don't know why. If I was your girl baby you'd never worry 'bout what I'd do. I'd be coming home, back to you, every night, doin' you right. You're the type of man that deserves good things. Fist full of diamonds, hand full of rings. Baby you're my star, I just want to show you, you are. You should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need. Baby, good love and affection, make me your selection. Show you the way love's supposed to be. Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you." I really did care about Snotlout, as more than a friend. And it was more than even a crush. He meant so much to me, and I didn't have the courage to tell him. Everyone always looked passed him, but I knew what kind of gem he was, under that tough, arrogant exterior. I had seen it. "You're true beauty's description 'you look so good that it hurts.' You're a diamond plus ninety-nine and it's a shame. Don't really know what you're worth. Everywhere you go they stop and stare, cause you're bad and they know. From your head to your toes, you're out of control, baby you know. If I was your girl baby you'd never worry bout what I'd do. I'd be coming home, back to you, every night, doin' you right. You're the type of man that deserves good things. I don't care for diamonds, I don't care for rings. Baby you're my star, I just want to show you, you are. You should let me love you, let me be the one to give you everything you want and need. Baby, good love and affection, make me your selection. Show you the way love's supposed to be. Baby you should, you should know, that I love you, yeah..." He always showed off in front of Astrid and Heather, and yet, it seemed he didn't look at me like that. Yeah, he joked and flirted casually, but he had made no move to even suggest courting me. It was so frustrating. Astrid and Heather didn't even like him like I did. I continued singing, growing slightly more passionate in my words. "You deserve better boy, you know you deserve better. We should be together boy. Baby! With me and you it's whatever boy! So can we make this thing real? You should let me love you! Let me love you! Ohhh! Baby! You should let me love you should let me love you..." I finished. The water was still running down my face and neck, soaking through the top of my tunic so I moved away from the waterfall and back over to Nightwing. The babies had stopped fighting finally, and were now sneezing out sand particles. I giggled, practically feeling the disbelief radiating off of my dragon. "They're yours." I reminded her, hands up in defense. She snorted and shoved me with her shoulder, making me lose my balance. I laughed harder, knowing she was getting annoyed now. My poor dragon...

On Love's Wings ~ A Snotlout Jorgenson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now