Chapter 13 ~ Night Flight

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One blustery morning, I found myself wrapping the injured paw of a baby Changewing with a poultice made of yarrow and lavender. The herbs would help by disinfecting the deep cut on the underside of its paw, while helping in the healing process as well. The dragons had been fighting amongst themselves lately, not too bad, but enough to cause minor scrapes and burns on one another. We had narrowed the reason down to an over abundance of dragon nip or just simple territorial scuffles. Typical dragon problems, nothing we couldn't handle. As I released the Changewing, a familiar male voice hit my ears. "Hey Brenna!" I looked over my shoulders at the viking heading toward me, smiling. Heat rose to my cheeks once more. "Oh...hey Snotlout. What's up?" I asked. "I really need your help!" He replied. I smiled, wiping my herb soaked hands on a nearby cloth. "Okay. What do you need me to do?" I asked curiously. "I really want to ask Minden on a date, but I have no idea what to do. I'm no good at all that cheesy romantic stuff, you know? Do you think you could help me maybe...practice...or something?" He asked.

      My heart rate accelerated. This may be a chance to get him to see me as something else...other than a friend. But what if it just makes me fall harder and hurt more. The pain is hard enough to bare already. I've gone through it more times than I should have, and I let myself do it over and over again. I can't keep putting myself in that position. What should I do? I thought. The voices in my head were screaming at each other, but I tried to keep looking calm and collected. I forced myself to make a decision."Okay. Sure. Of course I'll help." I replied, still smiling. I couldn't just think about my own feelings. If Snotlout really wanted to be with Minden now, then I should be a good friend and help him get the girl. As much as it was probably going to hurt, I had to help him. "Great! Thank you so much! I owe you one!" He said excitedly, pulling me into a hug. I chuckled softly, hugging him back. "It's no problem." "I'll pick you up at eight then." Snotlout told me, backing up. "Wait, for what?" I asked, slightly confused. "For our 'date' of course!" He grinned, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, "Alrighty then." I said, shaking my head. "Thanks again Brenna! See you later!" Snotlout said, jogging away.

     Sighing, I turned to look at Nightwing, the dragon lying on her stomach with her front paws crossed over one another, stretched out like a regal queen. But she was staring at me. I could tell she could feel the mixed emotions radiating from me. She nuzzled me gently, looking up at me with her big violet eyes. "I know girl. I want to tell him how I really feel so badly. I just...I can't. I've run out of time. He wants Minden now, and I can't ruin that for him." I whispered, scratching her chin scales. She leaned into my touch purring softly. "Come on, girl. Let's go get ready for my 'date'." I told her, smiling once more. She seemed to smile as well, and lowered her neck so that I could get in the saddle. With a whoosh of her wings, we were in flight to our hut.

    The remaining hours until the date flew by surprisingly quickly. I bathed thoroughly, scrubbing the dirt and dust from the day off of my skin. I brushed my hair again, plucking out every single knot and tangle caused by the wind constantly blowing around Gothi's hut throughout the afternoon. I put on a fresh outfit, my strapless blue tunic and black studded skirt and leggings. My black fur boots and bracers followed soon after. I looked pretty good, actually. "What do you think girl?" I asked Nightwing, who had curled up to nap in the corner. She let out a faint roar of approval, nodding as I stepped around in a slow circle. I laughed, hugging her snout tightly. "Thanks girl. I love you." I told her. She hummed gently in agreement, nudging me. Even though this wasn't a real date, this was probably the only one I would ever get with anyone, especially the guy I was in love with, and I was determined to have a good time.

On Love's Wings ~ A Snotlout Jorgenson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now