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Day 77
7:00 pm

"I'm going out with the girls tonight, so don't wait up on me." Lauren says to Shawn before giving him a quick kiss, leaving Shawn bored.

Shawn sat in thought, figuring out what to do in his free time knowing that Laur probably wouldn't be home till midnight or sometime early in the morning.

Picking up his cell, he nervously dialed Erin's number.

"Hi! This is Erin Conrad! I'm not here at the moment so like- leave a voice message haha!!"

Shawn laughs at her loud and exciting voice mail greeting before hanging up, unbothered to leave a message.

Unable to think of anyone else to talk to, he calls in an order for a cheese pizza to be delivered to his house, while he sat strumming his guitar waiting for the delivery person.

1:05 am

Meanwhile while Lauren, who was currently drunk off her ass and leaving the jammed night club with her friend, Erin and Cole sat talking in the packed diner, conversation filling the whole entire restaurant.

"You are so not 5'7, more like 5'1." Cole says jokingly to Erin about her short height as she giggles.

"Whatever. I'm Cole and I know everyone's height. " Erin mocks him with sarcasm in her voice, earning a chuckle from him.

"Did you watch the Bee Movie yet-" Erin starts before noticing an unsteady Lauren walk her way into the diner, with Jack Gilinsky by her side; practically the male version of Lauren: popular, attractive, and flawless.

"Oh god." Erin mumbles under her breath as Cole looks towards the drunken two, waiting to be seated.

"Lauren, what are you doing here? Where's Shawn?" Erin asks her, holding her under her arm as Lauren couldn't keep her balance.

"Wouldn't youuu wanttt to knowww huh?? You like my boyfriend, d-don't youu?" Lauren slurs making Erin turn red, unable to come up with an excuse.

"I don't know what your ta-" Erin starts as Cole takes the two away from her, leading them to a booth.

"I got this one Erin, go sit down, I'll meet you there in a sec." Cole says giving Erin a wink as she silently thanks him for taking Lauren and Jack.

"So who's Shawn?" Cole asks as people begin to leave the diner, the noise slowing down.

"That drunk girls boyfriend." Erin replies with trying to tuck away her sadness.

"Boyfriend??" Cole says surprised. Erin nods, looking at him with confusion.

"Umm well, she's making out with that guy over there right now. And has been for the past 10 minutes. They haven't even touched their food."

The Truth About Him; Shawn Mendes [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now