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5 months later; Christmas season
December 22th
11:12 pm

Drunken, laughing teens filled the mansion while the aroma of sweat and alcohol spread all throughout the house. Erin and Shawn stood on the opposite walls of Kian Oakley's manor, not knowing that the both of them were currently at the festive Christmas party.

Erin, Cole, and Yvette were having the time of their lives, Erin straying far from the drinks as she clung onto her diet coke, still having just as much fun.

Shawn stood on the other side of the mansion, far from the three friends, as he talked with Kian and Cj, two of his close friends. All 3 of them held onto presumably what looked like vodka in red solo cups mixed with sprite, the alcohol beginning to affect them.

Kian, Cj, and Shawn eventually all separated; Kian finding some girl and making their way into his bedroom, Cj going back into the kitchen for another drink, and Shawn wobbling his way through the sea of company until his eyes locks with hers. Lauren.

Lauren gave Shawn a gaze walking her way over to him with the mindset that she could easily win him back: especially with him a bit tipsy.

"Hi Shawn." She says, swaying her hips to the music in the background as he shot her a glare, not drunk enough to forget about her cheating on him.

"What do you want?" He spits, trying to cover up his slurring speech.

"I miss you Shawn, I want you back." Lauren says standing on her tip toes to run a hand through Shawn's soft brown locks as he almost falls into her seductive trap. From a distance, he spots Erin, staring right back at him with disgust written all over her face at Lauren throwing herself onto him.

"Stop it, Lauren." Shawn says semi-aggressively as he lightly shoves Lauren off of him, confusion on her face.

Running between the partying crowd, he attempts to look for Erin, not catching even a glimpse of her. Giving up in frustration, he walks out the back door as the cold air slaps him in the face. He takes a seat by the frozen pool, inhaling a deep breath to clear his mind.

Disturbing him from his thoughts, he hears the sliding glass door open up behind him revealing a straight faced Erin, holding a water bottle and 2 painkillers in her hand. Walking over to the hazy Shawn, she places the pills into his palms and leaves the water bottle next to him.

"You'll need them. I saw how much you were drinking." She says, trying to cover up the fact she cared for his well being. He gives her a short smile before patting the spot next to him as he hesitantly sits down.

"Erin, I miss you." Shawn says quietly, not looking at her.

"Mhm." Erin replies with, not knowing what to say. Did she miss him?

"Remember that one time you were bringing my coffee to me at the cafe and you tripped over someone's shoe and tripped and fell? You were laughing the whole time about it even though you had coffee all over you. Optimistic about everything, as always." Shawn had said, grinning at the flashback. Erin holds back a tiny smile.

"Yeah. I also remember how you mumbled that I was an idiot right after that and thought I couldn't hear it. You must've really wanted that coffee. My bad." Erin says with sarcasm, her heart racing at all the times Shawn was carelessly rude to her.

Shawn stays silent. "Erin I know the way I treated you was horrible and I have no excu-"

Erin cuts him off, her eyes glistening with frozen tears. "I was so incredibly nice to you because I thought you genuinely cared for me. At least you did at the party. Yet you were so rude to me after that, why?"

Shawn ignores her question that he really wouldn't have been able to come up with an answer himself. He scoots closer to her. "Erin, I want to be with you. I really like you, I do. Maybe it just took me time to figure it out. Not seeing you everyday took a toll on me, one that I regret. I need you in my life."

Erin looks away from his stare and up into the pitch black sky, no sign of stars or illumination.

"You can't say that Shawn, not anymore." She says quietly with no sign of emotion. Shawn gazes at her, curiosity blooming in his eyes.

"What? Why?" He stutters.

"Because I'm dating Cole." She lies, making up a believable excuse on the spot, Shawn practically falling apart as the words slipped out of her mouth.

Erin smiled to herself. She was proud at the sight she caused; Shawn in utter sadness, confusion, and ignorance. Just like he did her.

The Truth About Him; Shawn Mendes [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now