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Day 78 (continued)
11:44 am

"Shawn wait!" Erin says catching up to the fast walking Shawn, almost out of breath.

"I'm not lyin-" she starts before getting stopped by an angry Shawn.

"Just leave me alone, please! Everyday you follow me around like a fucking puppy who has nothing better to do than stalk some random one night stand hookup!! I was drunk, and so were you. Everything I said to you that night- I didn't mean any of it." He spits at her, she backs away from the sudden reaction.

She stops in her tracks, as well as him. They both look at each other, the cold stinging both of their faces as visible tears fill up her eyes and stream down her cheeks.

"Oh--okay. Bye." She says before dashing off into the crowd of people leaving him to stand under the street light by himself.

"Wait Erin!" Shawn calls out but it's too late. She's already racing back to her apartment and completely out of his view, trapped with the sea of New Yorkers.

For the longest time, Shawn has kept those words to himself only ever wanting to say them to her so now that's he said it, why does he regret it?

He stays in the same spot for what feels like hours but is only minutes, until finally deciding on walking over to Lauren's place.

Erin wept silently as she hid herself under her blankets, with the lights turned off. Raindrops splattered against her window, an occasional flash of lightning bringing light to the room.

Her phone buzzes multiple times with text alerts but she already knows who it is- Shawn.

Ignoring her phone, she turns the other way to where she can't see the screen light up every 5 seconds with a new notification.

Currently at Lauren's place, Shawn aggressively knocks on the door losing his patience as he hears shuffling going on behind the door, until Laur finally answers- looking like a complete mess.

"Oh hey babe. What are you doing here?" She says, a worried expression.

Shawn walks in uninvited, holding take out in his hands as he shows it to her, smiling.

"Just wanted to stop by and have lunch with my favorite girl." He says, as she gives him a small smile, nervously chewing her nail.

"Babe what's wrong?" Shawn says as he hears the front door opening again. Lauren tries to block him but Shawn easily moves out of her way, his heart stopping at the sight of a shirtless Jack Gilinsky with messy after-sex hair that matched Lauren's and a smug look. His hand was on the door knob, attempting to leave unnoticed.

Shawn looks at Laur, guilt in her eyes and in his knowing everything Erin said was actually the truth.

"Shawn I--" Lauren starts before Shawn shakes his head, pushing his way past jack and leaving the unwelcoming apartment he would never step into ever again.

"Fuck you." Shawn says to himself, as he drives his Jeep over to Shake Shack repeatedly cursing himself for hurting the only girl who ever cared for him.

The Truth About Him; Shawn Mendes [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now