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    Taking my usual place in the comfortable corner of the shop, I leisurely cross my legs and wait uncomplainingly. Christina paces up to me, with a sincere, kind-hearted smile on her face and she says. "The usual?"

    I nod, and appreciate the fact that she recalled what I always order, and didn't get me to repeat it every night. She ambles away, and vanishes into the corner and my gaze unexpectedly lands on Tyler who's sat only one table away from me this time. He's staring intently outside the window, his brows furrowing, as several emotions flash through his deep green eyes.

    Almost as though he feels my stare on him, he glances at me, his intent gaze relaxing instantaneously. My pulse accelerates, and I hastily look down at the chipped black nail polish on my nails.

    I wonder what goes through his mind when he looks at me. Does he see a nobody, or does he see a somebody? It's impossible that he'd see a somebody because I don't deserve his soft, coming home gaze. I don't deserve anybody's kind acts because I'm worthless, just like he tells me day and night when he's punishing me. He blames me for the accident that happened a year ago, and I believe him. It's my entire fault, I should be the one dead and she should be the one alive.

    Most of the events that took place that night are still a haze, but what I remember so vividly is our car swerving uncontrollably before ramming into a large tree. I remember the deep cut on her forehead, and how her eyes dropped, and her body lay across the seat, lifeless. I remember screaming her name, pleading for her to wake up until it hit me that she was gone. Forever. I remember being dragged out of the car, and from a distance watching it blow up into flames. I remember the wild flames engulfing the car, refusing to be tamed as they grew with each passing second.

    The seconds turn to minutes, and the minutes turn to hours and soon the night is almost over. Glimpsing at Tyler one final time, I cautiously pick my throbbing body up from the seat, before paying for the coffee and mutely leaving.

    The fresh blanket of snow, crunches beneath my feet with each light step I take forward. My hands are hidden deep inside my pockets, and I focus on nothing but the ground until I make my way toward the house. My teeth chatter, and my body shakes constantly, as I place my foot into the gap just under my window. I thrust myself up onto the wall, and begin to climb. I grip onto the edge, and swing my body over the window, landing on the floor with a booming thud. The pain pierces through my body, and I hear the door fling open, making me jolt.

    The lights flicker on, and the yelling begins.

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