Chapter 2

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          I woke up feeling super tired. I watched Prison Break until early this morning and regretfully allowed myself to do so. I promised myself I'd stop watching it as soon as I finished watching the episode I was on, but that turned into finishing the season I was in the middle of. Damn Netflix making me stay up late! I jumped in the shower and sang 'Super Bass' by Nicki Minaj. I wasn't sure why, but it was stuck in my head. I washed my hair and body before I contemplated shaving. Honestly, all of us girls have those morning where we just didn't feel like shaving and today was one of those days. I climbed out of the shower and dried myself off.

          I decided on wearing another pair of sweatpants and a black Monster hoodie. It was already mid-September, but still the winds were cold at times. I got another Poptart and made my way out to my car. I didn't feel like going into school today. I had thought about calling in sick but I didn't want to because I knew Nathan would ask about it. He would make it into a big deal and try to decipher why I was missing it. He was super complex when it came to these things so he would probably try to think that something big was happening and not believe me when I said I was just tired because of another eventful night on Netflix. 

          The car ride to school was quiet. I didn't really feel like listening to music, so I just drove with nothing but the quietness surrounding me. I wasn't too excited for school today; I had a test in precalc and math was my worst subject. I had to keep getting decent grades on my work though so I could get a college credit for it since it was an AP course. Plus I needed good grades to go to the college of my dreams.

          I swear, at every stoplight I was running into a red one. I stopped at the fourth stoplight and looked at the time. It was already 7:48 for Pete's sake! I still had another 15 minute drive to reach school, so there wasn't a chance I'd make it on time. I sighed. I hated being late. I swore, the only time the popular kids noticed me was when I was late and running into class late. I was just happy that today was Friday and I'd have a weekend off. I continued driving not really caring anymore if I'd get there on time because I highly doubted it was possible. 

          I ended up getting to school fifteen minutes late. I got a late pass from the office and made my way towards AP English. 

          "Please, stop," A quiet voice begged. I looked down the hall I was walking down and didn't find anyone in sight. I turned down the hallway and saw Jason picking on someone who was in my AP economics class.

          "Ha, you're such a little faggot, no one likes you," Jason taunted. That had my blood boiling. Who was Jason, of all people, to judge others?! He was a complete dumbass! I started walking towards them, not wanting my anger to control my actions.

          "Go away!" The boy, I think his name was Chris, muttered. Jason pushed him harder into the locker.

          "Not until you say sorry for stepping on my shoe!" Jason growled. I stopped in my tracks. Jason was flipping out and calling a kid a faggot because the kid accidentally stepped on his shoe?! OHMYGOD, WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM.

          "I'm sorry," Chris murmured, looking down at his own worn-out shoes.

          "Now go get your ass screwed, faggot," Jason said. He turned and looked at me before walking away. It was now or never. I needed to defend Chris. "What're you looking at?" He seethed when he saw me staring at him.

          "A piece of shit bully who can barely say the ABC's backwards," I retorted as I kept walking. He glared at me.

          "Shut up, slut," He muttered. I stopped walking and glared at the dick.

          "Here you go with the name calling. In what ways am I a slut? A slut is a girl who has many sexual partners, is it not?" I started, knowing exactly where I was going with this, "I've never been kissed, never dated, let alone have sex! I was right. You are stupid." He moved towards me slowly, a pissed off look on his face.

          "Shut up."

          "You know what! No!" I laughed, "I will not shut up. The world needs to know how you, Jason, is the biggest dingaling out there! You're picking on Chris calling him a faggot? So what if he's gay? It doesn't affect you so fuck off. You and all the kids who think they're popular always making fun of other people. What's wrong with you? I think it's because either Daddy makes you feel bad about your self and pushes you too hard or you have a small dick. Yes, I just said you have a small dick. Now why the hell don't you get out of my face and go tell Daddy on me?" 

          "Bitch," He growled. He glared at me for a few more seconds before he walked away. I glared at his retreating figure and turned to look at Chris.

          "Hey, are you alright?" I asked him. He slowly nodded his head and wiped away a few tears. I pretended not to notice them.

          "Thank you," He murmured. I nodded my head.

          "I'm sorry he said all that, Chris. Just know that he isn't right. Bullying is the only way he knows to face his own problems," I told him. 

          "You're Iris, right?"

          "Yes, that's me," I told him. He and I started walking to our classes and exchanged phone numbers. He was a really sweet boy and I hated Jason even more for making fun of him. When I finally got to AP English I acted like I wasn't late. I handed my teacher my late slip and made my way to the back. I just knew one thing...I would get revenge on every popular and bully at my school before graduation.

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