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Phones, something we are deeply attached to.

It has became so common that even when we're having our meals, you can easily spot people holding their phones right at their faces as they eat.

I know owning phones makes our life easier and more convenient, but is your phone so important that you'd give up real life social connections with your family and friends just to satisfy your needs of online chatting?

Hmm i think not. Funny how the teacher encourages 'teamwork' and 'unity', I don't think teamwork can be made through online interactions though.

And family bondings. Isn't it way important to chat with your family than to bond with random strangers? Sometimes people just doesn't see this, as if they were blinded by the gadgets invented by themselves.

Although saying this myself, I, too sometimes get lost in the online world without realizing I'm sinking far deep into that digital world. I do hate it, but I can't help myself, it's like I'm addicted to it.

How ironic.

Still, I really hope someday people would realize what their missing out on and would use phones appropriately, as despite it being so useful, it brings many harms if not used properly. (An: feels like I'm writing an essay lol)

To me, our precious lives are so much more than just staring at a lifeless screen living in that surreal world. We have 24 hours everyday, isn't a lot but enough for us to use it to its fullest. So why not?

Am I right or am I right.

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