Take off your mask

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Opening up takes courage, but as I age and mature, I find it easier to pull down my mask and show my true self.

When I was young, I used to think that showing your weak side will let others take advantage of you, therefore I'd always keep my problems to myself and remain guarded to pull off a stoic facade, which I quite succeeded in.

Thinking back now. I feel sorry for the past me - I could've handled my emotions better than locking everyone out and crying myself to sleep.

But still, I'm proud to say that - now, I've learnt so much that I no longer feel the need to fake a smile anymore. I've opened up with some of the people who I've known forever but don't really talk to and then realized that sharing feelings literally gets you unexpected friendships and relief.

Especially when that someone has gone through the exact same thing that you are currently having troubles with. They tend to give great advices too!

That is the one time when I feel extra loved and cared for. It feels fucking good tbh. Feels damn good to rip off the mask and be confident for whatever's underneath.

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