Chapter 12

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I can't stop thinking about Hannah. She must be in a-lot of pain. If it is anybody's fault, it is mine. I should have had a-lot more security. My phone rings, it was Perrie,


"Zayn, are you Ok? What happened?" (PERRIE)

"I'm fine. Somebody had brought a gun to the wedding and the shot Hannah. All of us guys are at the hospital, waiting for news on her condition." (ZAYN)

"Is Hannah going to be ok?" (PERRIE)

" I don't know. We can only hope." (ZAYN)

"Do want me to come to be with you?" (PERRIE)

"No. Stay home. You will be safe there." (ZAYN)\

"Ok. I love you Zayn." (PERRIE)

"Bye Perrie." (ZAYN)


As soon as I hung up, Louis spoke,

"Is Perrie ok?" (LOUIS)

I replied,

"Yes. She is fine."

I sat back down next to Niall. Another hour went by, and still no news on Hannah's condition. Finally, after another thirty minutes, a doctor finally came over to us,

"How is Hannah?" Liam asked, as we all stood up.

The doctor replied,

"We removed the bullet from her chest. I'm going to be completely honest with you. If the bullet would have went even half an inch higher, she would have died. Anyways, she is sleeping at the moment. You can go see her if you wish."


I started to gain some consciousness. I heard a beeping noise. I knew then that I was in the hospital, or should I say HELL. I was in and out of the hospital when I still lived with my dad. I felt an I>V in my left arm. I kept my eyes shut, wanting to go back to sleep. I am exhausted. It might be because of the blood loss. I felt somebody take hold of my left hand, I open my eyes to see that it was Harry holding my hand.

" How are you feeling?" Liam asked me, as him and the others walked over to me.

" I'm just sore." I said in reply.

Harry replied,

"That is expected after what happened." Harry said in reply

Zayn took hold of my hand after Harry went to talk to Louis. Zayn started to cry,

"Please don't cry Zayn." I said to him.

He wiped the tears of his face with his free hand. Zayn smiled at me. I knew he was terrified. I saw it in his eyes.

"We almost lost you Hannah," Zayn said tearing up," I don't know how we would survive without you."

I started to tear up. The boys all hugged me. It was the happiest moment in my whole life. I finally found were I belong.


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