Chapter 8

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*2 months later*
{Shawn's POV}

"We are not calling the baby that" she laughed. Me, Lana, Matt and Kylie were currently thinking of baby names.

"What? Why not?" I asked

"You can't call a baby Shawnie!" She said.

"Only if it's a girl! If it's a boy what about..."

"...Shawn?" She finished my sentence.

"Yes! Perfect!" She laughed and shook her head.

"How about for a girl, Addilyn?" She asked. I thought about the name for a while

"I like it" i grinned

"How about Brynn?" Kylie asked.

"You're all so extra. What about Ellie or something simple and easy to spell" Matt said

"Shut up, Matt" Kylie groaned

"So it's between Addilyn and Brynn" Lana said.

"What if it's a boy?" I asked

"How about...Aidan" Matt suggested.

"This is where you're actually useful, Matt!" Lana joked. Matt stuck his finger in the air and carried on scrolling through his phone.

A few hours went by and Matt and Kylie had to leave so it was just me and Lana.

"I was thinking, you know how we have a child on the way" I began. Lana nodded for me to continue "I think I should take a break from music for a while"

"What? You can't, what about your fans?" She asked

"I'm sure they'll understand. They're my fans" I shrugged.

"Well. That leads me on to my next point..." she trailed off "Shawn this apartment isn't fit for a family" she said

"Oh, so you want to move?" I asked. She nodded

"But we can't afford it. With you taking a break and me without a job, what are we going to do?" She asked. I took both of her hands in mine

"Don't worry, Lana. I still have money and I'm sure it's enough for a bigger apartment or something" she sighed and shook her head

"That's the problem. I don't want to live in an apartment in the city. I want to live somewhere where the kids can play. Or we can go out as a family and not be faced with the city" she said.

"Well we can work something out, we have seven months to get all the money we need. I can work harder in the studio to get money then we can start looking at houses" I suggested. She smiled and placed her hand on my cheek

"How are you so optimistic?" She asked

"I have a beautiful girl to support me" she kissed my lips and stood back up. She walked into the kitchen to get some food and sat back on the couch.

"Our kids are going to be so cute" Lana said out of the blue.

"Of course they will" I smiled. "When do you find out the sex of the baby?" I asked

"In 2 months" she said. I groaned

"That long?" She laughed and nodded

"I'm only 2 months in, Shawn" she said. I sighed and rested my head on the couch as I sat on the floor. Lana played with my hair and we talked about the baby. I couldn't wait.

{Alana's POV}

"And we're going to give them everything. I'm going to spoil them so much" Shawn finished his long speech about how excited he is for our baby.

"What happened to the Shawn that wasn't ready?" I joked

"He left a while back" I chucked and ruffled his hair. "Hey, not the hair" he mumbled. I pulled the blanket up to my shoulders and closed my eyes

"You're really cute when you're sleeping" Shawn said. I opened my eyes and he was on the other couch watching TV

"Thanks?" I laughed. He smiled and carried on watching TV while I had nap.

"Lana" Shawn whispered. I groaned and turned to face the other side of the couch.

"Lana, wake up" I sighed and sat up

"What, Shawn?" I asked.

"Your mom is on the phone" my eyes widened "You haven't told them, have you?" He asked.

"It never came up" he sighed and handed me the phone

"You'll need to tell them at some point" Shawn said. As much as I hated to admit, he was right. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear.

"Hi, mom" I said nervously

"Hi, Hun! How have you been?" She asked

"I've been good, what about you?" I asked

"Good, so why don't we have lunch tomorrow? We can have a good catch up just like old times"

"Yeah, sure. I kind of have some news for" I said

"Oh, what is it?" She asked.

"Uh, well. I'll let you know tomorrow, me and Shawn have to go to the store" I felt bad lying but I had to talk to her in person

"Alright, see you soon!" We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"You didn't tell her" Shawn said.

"I'll tell her tomorrow, don't worry" he nodded and came over to me.

"I was looking at houses while you were asleep" he tucked a stand of hair behind me ear "I think I found one you'll love" he pulled out his phone and showed me the house.

"Shawn, this is perfect!" I said in awe "But look how expensive it is, I don't have enough money, Shawn" I sighed

"Don't worry, I'll pay for it" I shook my head

"Shawn I don't want you to pay for the whole house. It was my idea to move so I'll pay for it" I said

"Lana, don't worry about it. I'm making more money in the studio so we'll have plenty on my year off" he reassured me.

"I love you, Shawn"

"I love you too"

I feel like I always end my chapters with that I'm sorry.

Anyway I'm so close to 1k reads and it's the most I've ever gotten on a book (lame ik)

But yeah, thank you all for reading my book:))

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