Chapter 3

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{Alana's POV}

"Really? I don't know because everyone is waiting for us-"


"-we can't keep the guest waiting for too long, I mean they-"


"-will eventually get tired and-"

"Shawn!" I snapped. He sighed and sat down on a nearby step. I sat next to him and smacked him with my shoe. He tried to use his arms as a shield but it did him no favours.

"Alright, alright I get it" I stopped hitting him and placed my shoe back on my foot. "Look, I'll admit, I was the biggest idiot to run away like that. But I just freaked out. I got nervous and I didn't know what to do so I wanted some alone time for a bit, I didn't think it would upset you this much. I'm sorry" he said. I sighed and looked up into his eyes

"I'm sorry for hitting you with my shoe" he chuckled and forgave me

"Come on, I believe there's a party happening over there" he pointed to the huge white tent. I grinned and we both walked in as music blasted through my ears

"I'm going to get a drink" I told Shawn. He nodded and walked over to his family.

"I take it you forgave him" Kylie smirked

"I couldn't help it. He's just so...ugh I don't know. He's just so perfect I can't stay mad at him" she chuckled and poured herself a drink

"Well, it looks like Matt is struggling" she nodded her head into matts direction. He was trying to get peoples attention by tapping a glass with a knife but he broke the glass. I couldn't help but laugh

"Hey, everyone settle down and listen to Matt" Ian yelled

"Thanks, man" Matt said. Ian smiled

"Hey, that's what I'm here for"

"So, as a lot of you may know, Shawn and Alana have been best friends for a while now" he began. "And I don't usually like to do this, but I just wanted to tell you both I told you so" everyone chuckled and Shawn wrapped his arms around my waist "here's to my two best friends!" He yelled and lifted up a glass that wasn't broken. Everyone clapped and tapped their glasses together. I looked at Shawn to see him already smiling at me

"I love you" I said

"I love you more"

"PICTURE TIME!" Matt yelled. Everyone followed the photographer to where we needed to be

"Let's start with just the bride and groom" me and Shawn pose as he says and he takes quite a few different ones

"Now the bridesmaids and bride" we all get in the photo and pose as he says

"Now the groom and best men" it goes on like this until everyone has had their photos done. It was around 11pm and everyone was beginning to leave. There was a lot of goodbyes before everyone but me and Shawn left.

"Well, today's been...eventful" I smirked and wrapped my arms around shawn's neck he smiled and placed his hands on my waist

"I'm just glad we're finally married, Alana Mendes" he grinned. I pecked his lips and grabbed my purse

"Well, we better get going. We have an early flight tomorrow to Hawaii" I said excitedly. Shawn just chuckled as he grabbed his coat and we headed to the car Shawn rented for today.

"I love you, you know that?" He said randomly

"You've mentioned it once or twice" I joked. He smiled and kissed my lips softly

"Just making sure you know" he said and I rested my head on his shoulder.

We reached our apartment and thanked the driver before stepping out.

"You have the keys, right?" I asked. He shook his head

"No, I thought you had them" he said

"Shawn" I groaned "Now what do we do?" I asked. He shrugged and I looked through my purse to make sure I didn't have them.

"We could call Matt? He could pick us up and we can just stay at his" Shawn suggested.

"How romantic. The night after our wedding we're at Matthew Espinosa's house" I joked. Shawn rolled his eyes but I could tell he wanted to smile. He pulled out his phone and called Matt

"Hey, man. Alana lost our house keys, is there any chance we can stay at yours while we get new ones?" I hit his shoulder and he just laughed

"Alright, sure we'll be waiting there then" he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket "he's on his way" I nodded and we both made our way to the main doors. We waited for around 10 minutes until matts car pulled up. We both got in the backseat and thanked Matt

"No problemo" he said "and by the way, I know it was Shawn who lost the keys" he said. Shawn looked offended while I smirked at him

"What? How?" He asked

"Because I've met you"

"Because, I've met you" Shawn mimicked Matt under his breath so he couldn't hear. I laughed and grabbed his hand

Welcome to Hotel Le Matt!" He opened the door revealing his apartment. I shook my head and stepped in

"You guys can sleep in my room if you want. I'll sleep on my couch. Just keep your hands to yourself" he pointed at us both

"It's fine, Matt. It's shawn's fault we're here so I'll sleep on the couch and Shawn can set something up on the floor" I said

"You sure?" Matt asked. I nodded

"What am I? A peasant?" Shawn scoffed

"Well I'm gonna go to bed. We'll be gone in the morning, Shawn asked for new keys and we're going to Hawaii" I told Matt. He nodded and yawned

"Night guys"

"Night" we both say in unison. I helped Shawn make a bed on the floor since he kinda forced me to sleep on the couch. I turned off the lights and got into bed. A few minutes went by until I heard Shawn sigh

"Alana" he whispered


"I found the keys"

Ok guys if you have any music recommendations please tell me them because I have such bad music from like 2008 and yeah I'm going on vacation in like two weeks and I'll be on a plane for 7 hours so please help :)

It's like 2am and I can't sleep so I'll be doing a few updates tonight woo

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