Chapter 19

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{Shawn's POV}
"So, why did you invite me here?" Lauren asked as she set her bag down on the counter

"To talk about last night" she sighed and sat down on the couch next to me

"Shawn, there's not much to talk about. You're married to Lana, I'll find someone else" she shrugged

"That's the thing, Lauren. Of course I love Lana so much. I mean she's my wife and-"

"Shawn if you're going to rub it in my face that you love someone else then I think I should go" I shook my head and put my hand on her leg

"No, Lauren. Let me finish. I love her as my wife, but I felt something when we kissed" she smiled but shook her head

"Shawn, you're with Lana" I sighed and nodded

"You're right, I'm sorry for calling you over here. I just thought I should tell you how I feel" she furrowed her eyebrows

"How you feel? What do you mean?" She asked

"Lauren, I-"

"I'm back" the door opened and Lana stood there in shock "Oh...Lauren" she smiled. Lauren waved and Lana put the groceries on the counter

"Was I interrupting something?" Me and Lauren shook our heads

"I was actually just leaving. I'll see you later, bye guys. And good luck with the baby" Lana shut the door behind her and turned on her heels to face me.

"So, that was a surprise" she said sarcastically

"Yeah" I chuckled nervously

"So, if I hadn't of just walked in here, what would you have said to Lauren?" She crossed her arms over her chest

"What do you mean?" I acted clueless

"You wanted to tell her how you feel. So, how do you feel?" She asked. Something suddenly snapped inside my brain to create a sudden outburst.

"You were listening to our conversation? You don't have the right to do that!" I yelled

"But you can confess your feelings to someone else?" She asked with a cold laugh

"I didn't confess my feelings-"

"You were about to if I didn't walk in!" she yelled 

"I was not!" I said in defence

"Fine, what were you going to say?" She asked and smirked

"Nothing" I mumbled

"Come on, Shawn. What were you going to say?" She asked, anyone could tell she was enjoying this. She knew how to get under my skin

"Just shut up, Lana" I groaned. She finally got serious and sat on the couch opposite me

"Shawn, this isn't going to work if I can't trust you. Just tell me what you wanted to say to her. Or at least tell me why you invited her round here"

"I invited her to talk about last night" I shrugged and put my feet on the table. She pushed them off and sat up straight

"Shawn, just take a this serious for once" she yelled in frustration.

"I am! I don't see what the big deal is" I shrugged. She crossed one leg over the other and glared at me

"So if I brought my ex around while you were, you would be alright with it?" I nodded

"And if I kissed him the night before, you'd be alright with it?" I hesitated but nodded again

"And if I was about to tell him how I felt about him, you would be alright with it?" I looked down and shook my head

"That's what I thought" she spat "Im going to go out for a bit. I need to think. But if you want to invite anyone else round, maybe Kylie? Tell her how you feel about her too, that's fine with me" she said and stood up

"Very funny" I rolled my eyes

"Just call me when you decide to grow up and stop being so immature" she glared at me once more before storming out the apartment.

It's weird, usually I would beg her to stay, but lately everything just feels...of. I feel like I'm supposed to love her and chase after her because we're married and I love her, but it's all just really boring now. Everything is the same. One of us say something wrong, the other picks up on it, we fight, someone runs out, we make up in the next hour. Maybe that's why I don't panic like I used to. We'll always make up and be fine the next day.

A few hours later the door opened and Lana walked in


"Don't" she snapped and walked over to me. She threw her purse next to me and tapped her foot on the floor.

"What's up?" I asked. She breathed out deeply and rolled her eyes

"You lying dick! How could you lead me to believe Lauren would actually do that to me? God, I was so stupid!" She put her hand to her forehead and paced around the room. I just watched in silence as she continued to ramble

"Lana, listen" she stopped talking and sighed "What are you talking about?" I asked. She scoffed and crossed her arms

"You know what I'm talking about! I talked to Lauren earlier. You felt something in that kiss? God, why did I believe you in the first place" she yelled as tears streamed down her face. My heart broke at the sight of her crying, I've never seen her this upset

"Lana it was a mistake! I was drunk and wasn't thinking clearly" she scoffed and shook her head

"So you did kiss her?" She asked


"And you like Lauren? And you love me as 'just a wife'"

"Lana, I love you! I don't like Lauren like that, she's just a friend" I said calmly.

"And you expect me to believe you?" She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt

"You don't trust me?" I asked

"No, how could I?" I nodded and choked back the tears.

Maybe this time I really did lose her.

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