Chapter 8

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Liam’s POV:

            I can’t believe it! I have to marry Harry’s sister. I’m sure Eleanor’s a great girl but… I love Sophia. Harry says I’ll learn to love Eleanor, but I just can’t forget about Sophia. Even if I do end up falling for Eleanor, Sophia is still going to be in the back of my mind… I don’t know what I’m going to tell Sophie when I get home…

Louis’ POV:

            “Eleanor?” I questioned touching her arm lightly. She was in a daze, thinking about something very hard. Eleanor looked at me and gave a week smile. “Are you ok love?”

            She nodded slowly. “Yes, I just have a lot on my mind…” I narrowed my eyes. She’s been acting strange ever since we shared our kiss. Did she regret it? I hope not…

Eleanor’s POV:

            “Yes, I just have a lot on my mind…” I answered Louis. Ever since we kissed I’ve been debating on telling him that I was the Fire Princess. But he might get mad at me… But he’s bound to find out sooner or later if we take your relationship further. How will my parents react when they find out about Louis”? Will they be mad? There’s no question about it. They WILL be mad. What will Harry say when he finds out? ‘Hey Harry, I plan on marrying your mortal enemy’, yea, that’s a great conversation starter.

            “Do you regret it?” Louis suddenly asked.

            “What?” I said looking up at him.

            “Do you regret it? Kissing me?”

            I was shocked by his question and quickly shook my head. “No, no” I grabbed his face and kissed him rapidity “Of course not, why would you think that?”

            He shrugged looking down at his hands. “Well you’ve been deep in thought ever since then and…” He trailed off.

            I laughed. “Louis I would never regret kissing you.” I kissed him again, a long lingering kiss.

            “Good, you had me worried.” He said with a laugh.

            “You had me worried when you thought that I regretted kissing you.” I’m going to have to tell him soon… But I don’t know how.

Liam’s POV:

            “YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED!” Zayn, Perrie, and Niall exclaimed once I told them about my arranged marriage. Harry already knew so he wasn’t surprised, and Kai didn’t care.

            “Yea…” I sighed.

            “Oh, I love weddings! They’re so pretty and cute and romantic and… Oh I just love weddings!” Perrie said excitedly. “Oh, I just can’t wait till our wedding darling!” Perrie said towards Zayn as she held his hand.

            Zayn chuckled at his fiancée. “You only have to wait till spring.”

            “But that seems like a lifetime away!” Perrie said with a giggle.

            I rolled my eyes. Why can’t they focus on the problem?! I love Perrie like a sister, but she can never stay focused on one thing for one damn minute!

            “CAN’T YOU STAY FOCUSED FOR ONE FUCKING MINUT?!” Harry shouted at them, speaking my thoughts. “CAN’T YOU SEE THAT LIAM’S PISSED ABOUT THIS?! AND I KNOW MY SISTER IS GOING TO BE MAD!” Harry had a fire ball made in his hand now, and his face was red with anger. “NOW SHUT THE HELL UP!”

            Kai was laughing now. First time I’ve ever seen that boy laugh. Everyone was staring at him like he was a mutant for a science experiment. “My one and only love, seeing someone get pissed off because of my sister.”

            “SHUT UP KAI! NOBODY LIKE YOU ANYWAY!” Perrie screamed at him.

            “Good, less people I have to worry about.” Kai said leaning back in his chair and shutting his eyes to sleep.

            I turned back to Harry to see both his arms covered entirely in fire. I swear his head was about to explode off of his shoulders. Zayn shot water at him, soaking him from head to toe. “WHAT THE HELL?!” Harry shouted at him.

            “To cool you down hothead.” Zayn said with a laugh.

            Harry was about to scream at him again and probably chunk a fire ball at him before I stopped him. ‘THAT’S ENOUGH!” I shouted. “NOW YOU ALL STOP FIGHTING LIKE FIVE YEAR OLDS AND JUST LET IT GO! IT’S MY PROBLEM THAT I HAVE TO SUCK UP AND DEAL WITH! NOT YOUR PROBLEM SO LET IT GO!” I know my face was as red as Harry’s was by now.

            Everyone stared at me like they just got in trouble by their father. Niall looked as if he was about to say something, but I didn’t stay to hear. I flew off over to my ship to get away from it all.

Eleanor’ POV:

            “Louis.” I giggled as he was on top of me, tickling me. “Stop!”

            “But why?” He said laughing.

            “Because I’m going to get the hick-ups!” I laughed again.

            Louis stopped tickling me and began to kiss me. His lips molded to mine perfectly as they moved in sync. I wrapped my arms around Louis’ neck to deepen our kiss. His lips traveled down my cheek, to my jawline, to my neck. “You’re so beautiful.” He mumbled against my neck.

            Louis started to bite and nibble on my neck when we heard a knock on the door. “Sir Louis.” A maid said poking her head in the door.

            Louis groaned in annoyance and got off of me. My cheeks turned a shade of red at the interruption of our heated moment. “Yes?” Louis said.

            “The Lady of the fire kingdom is here.”  

*Hey guys! sorry it was such a late update! I got grounded :/ but I hope y'all like it!*                   

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