Chapter 16- Friend Kingdoms

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Eleanor’s POV:

            “Take her.” Harry said with disgust as he pushed me towards Louis. Harry took me back to the ice kingdom as Louis was about to leave to come and get me. “I can’t deal with her… and that… thing inside her.”

            My eyes widened and I stomped over to him. “How dare you call my child, your niece or nephew, a thing?” I questioned with anger. “You may not call me your sister anymore Harry but, guess what, I am!”

            Louis came up behind me and placed both of his hands on my small shoulders, calming me. “Harry leave; get out of my kingdom… And don’t come back.”

            Harry shook his head and left without saying another word. I gave out a huff and then turned around to face Louis. “Can we get married now?”

            Louis chuckled. “Of course love… C’mon.”

(Eight months later)

            “Louis! Come here!” I shouted for my husband with a smile on my face as I sat in our big bed.

            Louis came rushing in with a panicked look. “What? What’s wrong?”

            I giggled at his reaction. “Nothing’s wrong, come here!” I said gesturing him to come over.

            He rushed over to me and sat down beside me. “What?”

            “The baby kicked.” I said grabbing his hand and placing it over my huge stomach. “C’mon, you can do it again. Kick for Daddy.”

            Just then I felt a little kick on my stomach and Louis had a huge smile on his face. “Oh my gosh…”

            “Come on James, kick again.”


            “I smiled… Yea, I kind of already named him or her. James for a boy, and Joan for a girl.”

            Louis smiled. “I like it.” Louis’ hand was still placed on my stomach and a small tear go down his cheek.

            I smiled at him and placed my hand on his cheek. “You’re crying…”

            He nodded. “A little bit, yes.”

            “Eleanor?” I heard my mother shout. What? “Eleanor dear?” She shouted again.

            “They’re this way my lady.” Sarah, one of the servants, said.

            A few seconds later my mother and father appeared in the doorway. My mother started to cry and Daddy had a look of shock on his face. “Oh, Eleanor…” My mother said walking towards me, Daddy walking behind her.

            Louis moved to the side and sat on the bed on the other side of me, grabbing my hand. “May I?” My mother said sitting down next to me. I nodded smiling at her. She hesitantly placed her hand on my stomach and cried. She smiled at me. “You’re so beautiful.” She cried out. I smiled at my parents.

            “Louis.” My dad said. Louis looked up to my father. “We talked to your father… Told him that we no longer wanted to be enemy kingdoms, and even signed a declaration for it. So, we are now friend kingdoms. Harry isn’t too thrilled about it and is still angry but… You two have opened our swollen eyes.” Daddy stretched his out for Louis to shake. “I’m proud to call you my son-in-law.”

            Louis smiled at Daddy, shaking his hand. “You too sir.”

            They let their hands go and Daddy smiled at me. “How far are you in your pregnancy?” Daddy asked.

            “Eight months now.” I answered.

            “Please… Come visit any time you want my dear. I miss my daughter. I can’t wait to get to know my new son and…My too be grandchild.” Mum said smiling at the both of us.

            “Harry’s still mad?” I asked.

            Mum sighed. “Yes dear…”

            Please Harry; I want my best friend back. I pleaded in my mind looking down at my pregnant belly. “Ow!” I said, sudden pain taking over my body. “Ow!” I said sitting up some, touching my stomach. I started to breath heavy. “L-Louis…” I said looking at him.

            His eyes widened. “Some call the doctor!” He shouted. “Get the nurses! Get the maids!”

            Three maids came rushing in. “Sir Louis, Lord. You two please wait outside.” Sarah told them.

            “No!” I shouted, breathing even harder. “L-Louis, stay here please!” He nodded, coming over to me, sitting a chair beside the bed, and grabbing my hand. “AHHH!” I screamed.

            “I’m right here love… You can do this.”


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