Chapter 6-The Fair

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Eleanor’s POV:

            “Louis.” I whined. “Where are we going?” I giggled.

            “It’s a surprise.” He said. He told me that he was taking me somewhere fun, but he wouldn’t tell me where. We were currently riding in a carriage on our way to who knows where.

            “Ugh!” I giggled. “At least give me a hint?”

            “No can do love.” Louis said smiling at me.

            I sighed but had a smile on my face. I wonder where we’re going. Maybe he’s bringing to a beach. I’ve never been to the beach before… I’ve never been anywhere before.

            Suddenly someone opened the carriage door. “Sir Louis, Miss Eleanor, we’re here.” The carriage man said.

            I felt a smile spread across my lips and Louis smiled at me. “Thank you Reginald.” Louis said. He got out and helped me down. I smiled once I say the scene. We were at a fair! They had booths set up everywhere, and a few places to eat. “Welcome to your first fair.” Louis whispered in my ear as he hugged me from behind.

            I jumped up and down like a little girl. I was so excited. “Thank you!” I said turning around to face him and kissing his cheek. “Come on!” I said pulling him towards a booth.

            Louis and I were going around to the different booths, and he won me a big teddy bear. I named it Lou bearJ. We walked hand in hand around the fair looking for a place to eat. “Eleanor!” I heard a familiar feminine voice shout to me. I turned around to see our maid Margret.

            “Margret?” I said with raised eyebrows as she hurried over to Louis and I.

            “Who’s that?” Louis asked.

            I was about to answer him when Margret stopped in front of us. She gave Louis a dirty look and tugged me away from him, making me let go of his hand. We stood far enough for Louis not to hear us, but close enough that I could see the concerned look in his eyes. “What’s wrong with you?” Margret whisper yelled to me. “What would your parents say if they saw you with him? What would your brother say if he knew?”

            I sighed, not looking at her. “He would kill him…” I shook my head. “But I won’t allow it.”

            “Why are you with him?” I looked up at her and her angry expression turned to sorrow. She sighed. “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”

            I slowly nodded. “Please don’t tell Mum, Daddy, or Harry… He’s not like they always told me. I didn’t even know he was the Ice Prince when I first met him and he still doesn’t know I’m the Fire Princess but…” I looked back at Louis and then to Margret again. “He’s sweet, nice, funny, and he’s absolutely wonderful. Oh please, Margret, don’t make me stop seeing him. I would cry like there’s no tomorrow if I had to stay away from him. He’s the best feeling I’ve ever felt, and…” I trialed off dropping my head.

            Margret sighed. “Don’t worry dear… I’ll keep your secret.” I looked over at her and smiled. “I had a love when I was your age that I never could be with… We were forbidden to see each other and I never had enough courage to go against my parents for love and be with him.” She placed her hand on my cheek. “But you have courage in you… If your heart tells you to be with him, then be with him… And don’t let anybody stop you.” She smiled at me.

            “Thank you.” I said hugging her.

            “Now, go have fun.”  She walked me back over to Louis and I took his hand, lacing our fingers together. “Now listen boy.” Margret said sternly pointing an accusing finger at Louis. “Don’t you dare hurt this little girl. I’ll be watching.”

            Louis held up his hand that wasn’t holding mine. “Yes ma’am.” He looked down at me and smiled. “I don’t plan on it.” He let the hand that was raised up fall by his side and kissed my forehead. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. “Ever.”

            Margret nodded at both of us. “Ok, well, you two have fun.”

            “Thank you Margret.”

Harry’s POV:

            I was laid back in my hammock with my hands behind my head. “How do you feel Ni?” I asked looking over at him.

            “I feel like running a fucking marathon, how do ya think I feel dipstick!” Niall said glaring at me.

            “Ok, you’re still sick.” I said with a chuckle. Niall got sea sick and was throwing up left and right.

            “Harry… Can I talk to you?” Liam said pocking his head in.

            “Sure.” I said getting up. I followed Liam to the upper deck. He had a worried expression on his face. “Liam, you ok?”

            Liam rubbed his hand over his face and sighed. “I just found out… Our fathers agreed on an arranged marriage and…” He sighed again and looked me dead in the eye. “I am to marry your sister when we get back.”

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