Chapter 1- Childhood

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Eleanor’s POV:

            “Harry!” I exclaimed as he walked through the door.

            “Eli!” He said hugging me tight.

            “Do you remember what day it is?!” I said still hugging his arm.

            He pretended like he was thinking. “Hmmm… What’s today, what’s today?”

            “Harry!” I said being my impatient self.

            “Oh that’s right, it’s someone’s birthday today.” He said holding out a little box. “Happy 8th birthday Eleanor!” He exclaimed.

            I grabbed the little box and opened it to see a beautiful fire lily necklace. “Harry, it’s so pretty!” I said turning around so he can put it on me. He put it on and kissed the top of my head. “Thank you!” I said hugging him.

            “A beautiful fire lily for the beautiful fire princess.” He said kissing me again on the forehead.

            “What do you want for your 11th birthday?!” I suddenly asked.

            “You don’t have to get me anything angel.” He said.

            “But, Hazza, I want to get you something.”

            Harry chuckled and shook his head. “Get whatever you want to get me.” He bent down a little to my height. “I don’t care what it is… Do you know why?”

            “Cause it’s the thought that counts.” I said smiling from ear to ear.

            “That’s right.” He said bending down so I could climb on his back.

            “Mummy! Daddy!” I shouted as we went down the hallway.

            “They are still outside. They had to go deal with… Some unwanted people.” Harry said, telling me where Mum and Daddy where. “Now, let’s go play a game or something.”

            “Ok!” I said hugging his neck.

Harry’s POV:


            “What do you want, Hothead?” Louis, the Ice Prince, growled at me.

            “Well while our parents have a little ‘chat’ I thought I would come and greet you, Icicle.” I said in a mocking tone.

            Louis rolled his eyes. “Well, we could always get some practice… For the future.” Louis said throwing an icicle at me. I threw up a fire ball to stop him.

            “Fine by me.” I said chunking a fireball at him.

            “Harry!” My Mum called for me as she came to where Louis and I stood. “C’mon sweetie, we have to get home.” She said then noticed Louis. “Harry… What are you doing talking to… Him.” She said glaring at the 10 year old Ice Prince.

            “We weren’t talking Mum; we were just having a little… Chat.” I said sending an evil smirk in Louis’ direction. “Why are we leaving so early? Have the Ice pest decided they don’t want to fight?” I asked.

            “THAT’S MY PARENTS YOU WORM!” Louis shouted, throwing another icicle at me. I dodged it and threw a fire ball.

            “Louis that’s enough.” Another woman’s voice say.

            Louis sighed. “Yes Mum.”

            Louis’ Mum glared at us. “We can’t fight now, and both of you know that.” She said.

            “Let’s go Harry.” My Mum said leading me out.

(End of flashback)

            I really do hate that Icicle. Eleanor doesn’t understand why yet though. All I can tell her is that it’s nature. Fire and Ice don’t mix, and it should stay that way. Our two kingdoms hating each other from generation to generation.

Louis’ POV:

            I can’t believe the nerve of that Hothead. ‘Ice pest’. Those words swirled through my brain.  “Mum I hate him!” I said angrily as I plopped down on my parent’s bed.

            Mum started to giggle. “I know love. You will get your revenge when you’re older.” She said lying down beside me and started playing with my brown hair. “You look so much like your dad.” She said tickling me, trying to get me laugh.

            I started laughing like crazy. “Mum! I’m not a little kid anymore! Stop!” I said through my laughter. 

            “But why, you’re still my little boy.” She started kissing all over my face.

            “Mum!” I said still laughing. “You’re going to give me the hick-ups!”

            “That’s the idea.” She said. “Honey come help me!” She said once Dad walked through the door.

            I suddenly felt two strong hands tickling me, while Mum still was kissing all over my face. “DAD!” I said, unable to stop laughing.

Eleanor’s POV:

            “Harry!” I shouted as we played hide-and-go-seek. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” I said.

            “Daddy have you seen Harry?” I asked him as I passed him in the long hallway.

            “No sweetheart I haven’t. Why?” He said bending down to my height.

            “Because we’re playing hide and seek and I can’t find him.” I said.

            Daddy chuckled. “That’s cheating if I tell you.” He said with a smile.

            I giggled. “Soooo. The castle just so big to find one person.” I said spinning around and gesturing to the large castle.

            Daddy chuckled again. “Well that adds on to the challenge.” He said. “Just keep your eyes open.” He whispered. “You’ll find him.” Daddy stood back up. “Now, I need to go find your Mum… That’s just as hard as finding Harry.” He said chuckling as he walked away.

            “Harry!” I shouted again. “Where are you?” I looked in his room and under his bed. “Ugh, where are you?!” I shouted. I suddenly felts someone hug me from behind and I screamed. I did a quick fire ball.

            “Hey!” Harry said, blocking my fireball with his.

            “HARRY!” I said hugging him. “I found you!” I said giggling.

            “No, I found you.” He said messing up my hair.

            I giggled. “Stop Hazza.”

            “Why?” He said tickling me. I absolutely love my brother, and there’s nothing that could break us apart.   

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