Chapter 4- Meeting Him Again

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Eleanor’s POV:

            I woke up in a rush.  I get to see Louis again! I know I shouldn’t be excited about this, but I was. I can’t help it; I want to see him again.

            I quickly jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I had to where something casual but cute. I ended up picking a red long dress with a white cloak with a hood.

            I pinned my hair up half way up and half way down, my natural curls falling perfectly. “Should I put a flower in my hair?” I said out loud, thinking. “No, it’s better without it.” After I was done with my look, I skipped down stairs with a huge smile on my face.

            “Why are you so giddy today?” Mum said with a chuckle.

            “I honestly don’t know.” I said. It was true; I didn’t know why I was so happy to see Louis again. I shouldn’t be. He’s supposed to be my enemy, but I still asked the question why? How could someone so wonderful, be my enemy? I don’t know he’s not my enemy; he’s just my family’s enemy.

            “What took you so long?” Louis joked once I met up with him by this gorgeous fountain.

            “I couldn’t find the chance to sneak away.” I said giggling as I took his arm.

            “Why did you have to sneak away?” Louis questioned.

            I sighed. “Because I’m not allowed to leave my home.” I sighed again and looked at the ground.

            “Why couldn’t you leave your home?” Louis asked as we walked through the market.

            I cleared my throat. “Um, my parents thought it was too dangerous for me to go out. Though they let my brother go out all the time. But he’s a boy, so I guess it makes sense. My mum rarely goes out, only now and then. Daddy doesn’t like her to go out by herself.”

            Louis nodded. “My dad didn’t like Mum going out either… Before she died.” Louis cleared his throat.

            “Oh, I’m sorry…” I said.

            Louis sighed. “It’s alright… So, I have to ask. How are you able to wear such lovely dresses?” Louis asked gesturing to my outfit.

            I looked down at my dress. “Oh, I come from a rich family.” I said.

            Louis chuckled. “Obviously, but regardless, it’s a very lovely dress.” He said smiling at me.

            “Thank you.” I said blushing at the comment.

Louis’ POV:   

            “So, what do you want to do today?” I asked.

            “Hmmm.” Eleanor said thinking about it. “I don’t know… What do you want to do?” She asked.

            I smirked. “How about I go show you snow for the first time?” I said.

            Eleanor’s face lit up. “Really! Yes please!”

            I chuckled. “Ok, c’mon.” I said pulling her in the direction of my kingdom. She started to giggle as we walked through the woods and she looked at the snow covered trees. Her laughed was beautiful, she was beautiful. I couldn’t believe that I fell for this girl in a day. I can’t explain it, but I have feelings for this girl. Although she seemed like she was hiding something. Like something to do with her family and who she is, but I didn’t push it. I mean, it’s not like she’s the Fire Princess or anything. Besides, I don’t think Harry even had a sister.

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