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"I'm never going to get this right Suva!!!" Korra whined.

"It takes time and patience Korra something you don't have." I said laughing a little.

I hit the ground after feeling something cold hit the back of my head and looked up to see Korra with a snowball. I smirked and soaked her with water and then I started to bust out laughing.

"I hate you." She said glaring at me.

"Love you too Korra." I said as we went to train.

I was sitting on the ground as Korea showed the teachers her skill. I smiled as I listened to Aunt Katara.

"Suva your turn." Aunty said smiling.

I stood up and shot water at Korra. We started a dual and I throw my water daggers at her and watched as she Earth bended a rock in front of them. I flipped and blocked her as she threw a flaming ball at me. I threw a water boomerang and Korra laughed as it missed her and flew past her head. What she didn't see was it turn around and it her head and she hit the ground. I caught it and turned it into a whip.

"Always expects the unexpected Korra." I said smirking.

"No fair you always use that trick!" She yelled angry.

"Then you should remember it Korra." I said smiling.

We got done training and then my cousin Tenzin and his family came.

"Hello cousin." I said bowing.

"Hello Suza how is her training?" He asked bowing.

"Great except she is still having trouble with airbending." I said sadly.

"She will learn how is your training.... still being cruel to her?"

"Always." I said laughing with him.

We then learned that they wouldn't be able to stay and train Korra. That night I saw Korra sneak out so I grabbed my sword and followed after her.

"Korra what are you doing?" I asked when we made it to the docks.

"I'm going to learn how to airbend." She explained.

"Not without me.... let's go." I said smiling as she hugged me.

We snuck on board with Naga and we hid behind some crates. I stayed awake while Korra and Naga slept. I stood up after a while and started to stretch. I opened my necklace and took some water out of it and started to practice my bending.

"Are you still training?" Korra asked.

"Yes you never know when a fight will start." I said taking a deep breath.

Korra stood up and started to practice with me. After a while we arrived and Korra got us into trouble already.

"Miss Beifong I am so sorry that Korra attacked those people and caused trouble." I said softly.

"Suva your father would be disappointed in you... and Korra your the Avatar you are suppose to be a peace keeper. If I could I would charge you both!" Lin said angry.

"Lin that is enough! You two with me now!" Tenzin yelled coming into the room.

I didn't say anything for the rest of the trip to the Air temple. Korra tried to explain the reason behind all this but he wouldn't listen. When we made it he gave us rooms and told us he would train Korra the next morning. Korra thanked him and then we went to eat.

"Papa please let me go and play with the other kids." I begged.

"You have to train Suva.... your three years old you need to learn how to fight." My father said as he grabbed his sword.

"But I wanna play with my friends."

"SUVA you are going to be the avatars protector! Not some little brat!" He yelled as he struck me with his sword.

I quickly blocked with my bending and pushed him away.

"No bending! Use your sword! You might not have your bending."

"Your worse than mom." I whispered as we started to train.

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