Losing hope

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"That's all I can do right now." Aunty said sadly.

After three long hours I still couldn't feel my legs. Amon had broke my legs so bad that they would probably never heal.

"I'll end him for this." Korra said as she left the house.

After everyone had left me I broke down into tears. I could live without my bending but my legs.... they where everything to me. I was a fighter and now I'm broken. After a week Korra goes missing. I try to get up to help but I fall on my face.

"Suva!" Pema exclaimed as she ran into the room.

"I need to help Korra!" I yelled trying to stand.

"You can't walk.... there is nothing you can do." She said sadly.

"I have to help her." I said through tears.

Pema helped me back on the bed and then left to go and talk to everyone. I waited for her to leave before I closed my eyes and thought of everything my mother had taught me.

"Suva get back up now!" My mother yelled.

"I can't.... I broke my foot." I whined.

"No buts get up and walk or you will never be able to protect yourself!" She yelled as she started to walk away.

"Don't leave me!"

"I'll see you at home crawl if you have to."

I watched as she disappeared and I cried until it turned dark. It started to get cold so I finally got up. I tried to walk but I fell. After a few minute I stood up and hobbled to home. When I made it home my mom was beside my father.

"Suva what happen!" My dad yelled rising over to me.

"No! I can walk the rest of the way on my own!" I yelled as I walked to the chair.

I was only three when she did this to me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my feet. I tried to move them but I felt nothing. I let tears fall as I hugged myself.

"I'm so sorry Korra." I said through tears.

After a few minutes the anger took over me and I tried to walk again. Like the first time I fell but this time no one came. I sighed happily as I crawled over to the bar on the wall and used it to raise up. I lifted myself up and used it to stay standing.

"I can do this." I whispered as I tried to walk once more.

I fell back down as soon as I let go of the bar. I growled as I hit the ground and started to do it all over again.

"Your mother would be disappointed in you." A deep voice said.

"Shut up your dead." I said with anger.

"Yea but she isn't."

I turned to see my father smirking. I went to stand up once more and glared him.

"Yea and she abandoned me with Aunty Katara." I said annoyed.

"Cause your weak." He said laughing.

"I'm not weak!" I yelled.

"You can't even walk."

"Yes I can!" I yelled.

I saw him smirk as I stood right I front of him. I looked down to see that I was standing on my own. When I looked back up he was gone. I slid down to the ground with tear filled eyes.

"I can walk..... I can feel my legs." I whispered as I touched them gently.

"Suva hurry up!" My father yelled playfully.

"Yea we have the festival!" My mother yelled happily.

"I'm coming Mama!" I yelled running to hug her.

She smiled as I ran into her arms and she picked me up. We walked to the festival and I looked for my best friend.

"Suva!" Korra yelled happily.

She hugged me and then we both went to go see Naga and Aunty.

"There you are!" Aunty said hugging us.

"I missed you." I said hugging her.

We walked around and laughed together before we left for home. I smiled as I hugged my mother and father.

"I love you mama and papa!" I said happily.

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