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Your P.O.V.

Maui left, and I stayed on the cold water, feeling the refreshing tides into my wounds. I sighed and massaged a bit my scales, even if they are mostly healed, they still ache badly. Some of them detached from my tail, and floated away with the ocean waves. - Wonder where they go... - "Pff... what a silly thought" I murmured and laid on the sand, the water reaching the back of my head, soothing the headache I had. I closed my eyes, sighing.

"Here" I opened by eyes again, seeing Maui holding something to my face. I sat back up, and took it from him.

"Thank you" I muttered... He still don't get the fact I can get everything from the ocean. Some algae would have been delightful... pretty delightful in fact. - I have to get used to this land food... hope it tastes well... - I've seen humans eat this thing, and they seem to enjoy it, but I feel dirty trying their food. I sighed and took one bite from it. 

- Well... it tastes like... an anemone?... Yay! - A small smile crawled on my face and I continued eating the soft inside. "I didn't know what did you liked... or even if you liked land food..." Maui mumbled at the end. "But guess you did like that mango" I took a bigger bite and nodded. He stared at me and laughed.

"Bha?" I asked, and swallowed. "What?" 

"Your face" He choked between laughs. I lifted a brow and shrugged. 

"I don't care, this is delicious" I said and continued munching. "Anyways... what do you plan doing now?"

"Well..." Maui started and tapped his chin. "I don't have anything to do now, what about if we just go and explore around a bit" He suggested with a smile.

- Go and explore... Oh!! I know where to go! - I squealed silently, and rushed to finish this 'mango'. "Wow, you seem... in a rush... So are you excited?" Maui said giggling. I faced him and nodded.

"I know somewhere you haven't been! It is pretty, let's got now, Maui!" I chirped and shoved the remaining piece on my mouth. I dragged myself out of the water and started getting on the boat. Maui kept staring at me  amused, and then giggled.

"Alright, fish lady, you say where to go" He said and got on the boat, I nodded and pointed to the east.

"There! Go that way, and please make sure not to loose your path" I said, and helped him getting the 'sail' ready. Maui gave it that name...

"Okay fishy" He exclaimed and started to blow on the 'sail'... I can't still get used to that name, it just sounds... funny. - We are sailing, and this thing is called sail...- I snorted at the thought, but prayed to the gods, Maui didn't listen. "What was that?" Maui said laughing. -You failed to me!!!! - I hid my face on my hands and felt heat rush to my face. 

"Shut up..." I mumbled and looked to the stars, making sure we were going to the right way. 

"Make that saound again" He begged.

"What? No way!"


I sighed and shook my head. "I said no, now shut it" He huffed.

"You'll do it sooner or later"

"No way" I said... and snorted afterwards. "DAMN IT MAUI!" 


We arrived at the rocky island, and I knew Maui was confused. I giggled and hoped out the boat and admired the tall rock. "What is this? There's nothing here" Maui said inspecting the rocks around.

"Oh-ho! Nope! You're wrong. This is the entrance! The place I want to show you isn't this pile of rocks!" I retorted and giggled starting to climb the rock. "Come on!"

"Wait! (Y/N)! What are you doing?!" Maui yelled at me and started climbing after me.

"Showing you somewhere!" I yelled back and stepped on a rock and pushing myself up. I tried to climb as fast as I could, guess being on the water most of my life helped me. 

I reached the top and waited for Maui to come. He arrived and glanced around. "Is this really what you were going to show me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course not! This is just the entrance!" I chirped and stepped around kicking some dust from the door. I revealed the button and glanced at Maui, he was just looking around scowling. I sighed and tapped his shouder making him face me. "The entrance is there" I said pointing to the button. "It is just like hell's door" 

"Well, I need to press the button like last time?" He asked, I nodded and skipped a bit away fom the door. "So... I can open it just liked that now?" I nodded and hummed. 

"It is safe, but I'm glad you asked this time" I said and slightly glared at him.

"Heh... I-I guess" He chuckled and rubbed his neck. He shook his head and walked towards the button. He slammed it and the floor creaked, the door started opening revealing a hole.

"Okay, last one is a eel head!" I exclimed and jumped down the hole, and the faint yelling of Maui echoed on the walls, but soon vanished once I splashed ont the glowing water. -Fudge... I forgot to tell Maui about this place... hope he knows how to defend himself properly -

The floor came into view and I braced myself fro the impact... I'm not used to enter like this... I better start using the other entrance...

I landed with a loud thud and pain on my side, I grunted and rolled away from there. I'm aware that Maui may fall on top of me, and probably crush me, is better if I just go away. Indeed, Maui nailed the landing, and fell on his back. I lifted my head and glnaced around, I sighed seeing the water above and hearing the occasional screech. I heard a grunt besides me, Maui got up and held a hand out for me. I started at it and fropped my head back. "Your head hurts?" He asked. 

"It does... just a bit" I muttered and sat up taking his hand, he pulled me up and glanced around. 

"So... what's this place?" He asked.


Welcome to the lalotai!"


I forgot to ask something on the past chapter XD.

Well, I apologize. But now! Double question!

1)What's your favorite place?


2)Where would you like to go? Can be another country you haven't been to.

My fave place is my bed XD 🛏

And I'll love to go to Japan. 🇯🇵

Welp, Cya later!

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now