Part 2

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"Try the Boysenberry Pie while you're there. Even for breakfast, it really hits the spot."

Taking a few steps backward, you gave him a smile, "I'll do that," then turning to walk away."Oh, Y/N!" you heard him call after you and you whirled in place, surprised.

"Keys. I need your keys."

You laughed, shaking your head, "Right. Sorry." Digging into your purse followed by a toss of the keys, he caught them out of the air before you headed in the direction of the diner once again.


A bell above the door jangled lightly as you entered the diner, the smell of hot grease hitting your nose. Straight ahead there was a counter with barstools, a view of the kitchen behind it. To both your left and right along the wall lined with windows, there were built-in booths with splitting vinyl cushions and spotted formica-covered tables.

The waitress behind the counter spoke, drawing your attention. "Hey, sweetie. Take a seat wherever you like, I'll be with you in a jiffy."

"Okay," you responded with a tight smile.

Choosing a booth, you dropped your bag and sat down. You looked around, seeing only 2 other customers currently sitting at the counter with coffee mugs in their hands. Moments later, a pretty redhead approached, wearing a sleeveless button-up flowered shirt and jeans under the apron around her waist. Bright red lipstick painted her lips as she talked to what looked like a regular customer. Probably a local.

"Sorry about the wait, hun. You just roll into town?" she asked you while handing you a menu, then pulling a small notebook and a pen out of her apron pocket.

"Yeah. Just passing through. I hope," you replied, a nag of doubt in your voice.

"You hope?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It's my car. I don't know how long it'll take to fix it," you huffed out in a sigh.

"I see," she nodded. "Well, don't fret, Bucky'll take care of you, no problem."

Your own eyebrow raised at the mention of his name, but you should have known that everyone knew everyone here. The blessing and curse of small towns.

"I"m Nattie. Can I get ya something to drink to start? Coffee?"

You jumped at the offering. "Yes! Coffee, please," then offering your own name.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Welcome. Coffee, you got it. I'll give you a minute with the menu," she said with a smile before walking around the counter for the coffee pot.

After ordering breakfast and a slice of the recommended Boysenberry pie, you sipped your coffee and pulled out your planning materials and laid them on the table. You had hoped to be 8 hours further into your journey, even having planned out where you would stop and either sleep in your car if it seemed safe or a cheap motel if needed. This pit stop wasn't ideal, but you could adjust.

A few hours later, you waved goodbye to Nattie and left the diner. Breakfast was delicious and the pie was every bit as amazing as Bucky had promised. It was mid-afternoon as you strolled down the main road past the elementary school grounds full of screaming children out for recess, the small public library, a barber shop, and the post office.

Approaching the auto body shop, you could hear classic rock blasting from the radio, then following the sound into the open garage. You didn't see anyone at first glance, but after looking in between cars, you finally spotted a pair of long legs poking out from underneath a jacked-up car.

Leave This Town (Mechanic!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now