Part 6

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"You're meant for more than this small town, too," you declared louder this time, grasping his face in your hands.

"I don't underst—"

"Come with me."


"What did you just say?" Bucky asked, taking a step back.

"Bucky," you began calmly, since you had blurted it out too quickly the first time. "I want you to come with me. To L.A."

With a dazed look, he slipped from your grasp, taking halting steps backwards until he reached the bed and sat down. "Are you serious?" he asked, finally meeting your gaze.


"You want me to come to L.A. what?" he questioned.

You felt a spark of excitement then, thinking he might actually be considering your proposal. "I don't know. They have auto shops there, if that's what you still want to do. And they have auditions for guitarists all the time! You could do gigs at night and work during the day," you said as the possibilities flowed from your mind. You walked over and took a seat facing him, grasping one of his hands. "That's the beauty of this adventure, Bucky. You can do whatever you want."

"Where would we live?" he asked, giving your hand a squeeze.

Nerves bubbled up at the thought of co-habitating with Bucky, even if that's not what he meant. "Um...I don't know. I plan on staying in a cheap hostel for a few days while I checked out places. People are always looking for roommates to lower the rent. I've looked it up online and there are always short-term vacancies until you find something more permanent. So what do you say?" you grinned, full of hope.

Bucky stood then and took a few steps, running hands through his hair. He was still shirtless, thick ropes of muscle visible under his tanned skin as he moved. The thought of not having to say goodbye spread a warmth of happiness through your whole body. Could this really be happening? Could you get the guy AND chase your dreams?

He let his arms drop as he turned your way, his expression stopping you cold. "I can't," he whispered with his gaze on the stained carpet.

"What?" you uttered quietly. "Wh—why not?"

"Why not?" he repeated, disbelief shading his features. "Y/N, I have a life here, a job, family. I just...I can't leave for the hell of it."

"I did," you almost shouted, slight wavering in your voice. "Bucky, we're young. We both have our whole lives ahead of us. Now is the time to take risks, have adventures, even make mistakes. I may have a dream and a plan, maybe a small chance at success but even then, I am fully aware that I might fail. I could get there and fall flat on my face. But you know what? I'd rather fail than stay in one place the rest of my life, wondering what might have been," you finished, boldly holding his gaze.

Bucky huffed out a sigh, crossing arms over his sculpted chest. "Not all of us have that kind of conviction, Y/N," he spoke quietly. "Some people are just meant for smaller lives."

"Really?" you said, standing up from the bed. "This is it for you? This small town, knowing all the same people your whole life, never experiencing anything new, you're okay with that? There's nothing more you'd like to see or do?"

You saw Bucky hesitate, chewing on his lip for a moment. Taking that as an opportunity, you closed the distance between you and looped your arms around his trim waist.

"Bucky. I see you. I see your big heart and handsome smile and charismatic spirit. You've folded yourself down to fit into this small town life. Aren't you at least a little bit curious what might happen if you allowed yourself to just...let go? Explore? Find out all that you can become?" you asked, grasping his chin so he would look your way but his eyes remained off in the distance.

Leave This Town (Mechanic!Bucky AU)Where stories live. Discover now