Part 5

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The moment the lock slid home, his arms were around you with soft, plush lips caressing yours. Bucky's large, calloused hands brushed down the side of your neck, then teased just under the collar of your shirt down toward your chest. As your fingers worked to unbutton his shirt, his fingers did the same with his mouth never leaving yours.

Slowly, you both walked in tandem toward the bed until your knees hit it. The drop to the mattress was more significant than you thought, though, a squeal escaping you as you both tumbled down in a heap. Squeaky springs compressed under your combined weight and you exhaled with an oof as Bucky landed half on top of you.

Laughter bubbled up in your chest and then escaped as Bucky joined you, finding humor in your graceless intimate moment. Bucky rolled his weight off you and onto his side while you remained on your back. He held your gaze as the hilarity faded and fire burned bright once again in his eyes.

"Shall we try that again?" he asked, grazing his knuckles down the side of your face tenderly.

With a bite of your lip, you nodded, raising a hand to brush a lock of hair behind his ear. You kicked off your sandals and he did the same with his shoes. Slowly he lowered his lips to yours and resumed unbuttoning your blouse with one nimble hand. You took your time undressing each other, one article of clothing at a time until you were bare to one another. His rough fingertips brushed over your sensitive skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Bucky went for his wallet, but you produced a string of foil packets from your bag first.

As two began to move as one, you knew it had never felt like this. You had never fit so perfectly with another man. He played your body like an instrument, each touch hitting just the right note. Bucky took his time as he mapped each dip and curve intimately until you began to reach your crescendo, his motions powerful and yet tender. Rising higher and higher before you both cried out and fell together, you collided into each other arms with chests heaving. Bucky held you close with a soft kiss to your forehead as you both rested a short time. It didn't take long until you both felt that heady desire once again, resulting in an encore or two before you fell asleep in each other's embrace, exhausted and happy.


You awoke momentarily, the rhythmic sound of drumming invaded your senses. The steady sound gave you comfort, lulling you back to sleep. Some time later the calm beat increased to a staccato thundering, pulling you to consciousness. Slowly, you came to recognize the drumming sound as Bucky's heartbeat echoing in his ribcage, your head resting on his chest. He must have awoken as memories of last night flooded in, his heart rate speeding up just as yours began to do the same at first sight of his handsome face in the morning light.

"Good morning," he croaked with a smile.

You grinned bashfully as you stretched out sore legs, throwing an arm around his muscular torso and head resting on his shoulder. "Good morning to you, too."

Bucky brushed fingertips against your bare back as he propped his right hand under his head. You pressed a kiss to his firm pectoral muscle before turning your face toward him. A tender look in his eye, he leaned down to kiss your lips before falling back on the pillows with a contended sigh. The comfortable silence lingered as you basked in the warmth of the body beside you.

Curiosity finally getting the better of you, you propped yourself up on one elbow as you shifted slightly onto your stomach. With his bicep inches from your face, you began to trace the silvery white lines and curve that caught your attention the day before. They were noticeable only in the right light or up close. Raising your eyebrows at him in question, you wordlessly continued to caress his scarred skin.

"It's from a steam burn," he explained.

"What?" you asked, eyes wide. "How?"

He took a deep breath and brushed a thumb down your cheek before speaking. "I started working at my uncle's shop while I was still in high school. Simple stuff at first: working the counter, checking fluids, rotating tires, stuff like that. Well, one day, I popped the hood of a car and checked the oil, then I moved on to check the coolant levels. There's no dipstick for that, so you just have to open up the reservoir and peak in. If the liquid isn't visible, then it needs to be added. So I used my left hand to turn the knob for the radiator. Most cars these days have a failsafe where if the engine is still too hot and has pent up pressure, the knob locks and you can't turn it anymore. I thought this car was cool enough, but..."

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